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Communications and Marketing


The stamp element is an interesting way to display a short fact, honor or award in a graphic manner.

  •  Pre-built Stamps

    You have access to a set of pre-built graphic "stamps" styled after the imprint left behind by an inked rubber stamp. The format is ideally suited to convey information graphically, which makes it ideal for highlighting a notable honor or award.

    Stamps are secondary design elements; they are not logos nor are they intended to be used as an alternate logo or primary design element. Stamps should not contain web addresses, phone numbers or other calls to action. 

    Used For

    • an accent, watermark or layering graphic that can bleed off the page or layer on top of other elements
  • Example of a UofSC stamp top the top left of a heading, overlapping a background pattern and a banner image.
Stamp pro tip.

Tilting Stamps

Accent your layout by tilting the stamp element. We recommend a tilt of +20 degrees or -20 degrees depending on where and how the stamp is positioned on your design.


  • Make It Accessible

    All stamps must include properly formatted alt text in order to comply with the university's accessibility policy.

    Alt Text Format: USC stamp with text [GARNET TEXT] , [OTHER TEXT FROM TOP TO BOTTOM].



    Bad Alt Text: Garnet and black stamp.

    Correct Alt Text: USC stamp with text Garnet & Black, Forever to Thee University of South Carolina.



Academic and Research Excellence – Brand Pillar 1


Student Experience and Gamecock Spirit  Brand Pillar 2


Economic and Social Impact Brand Pillar 3



Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.