2017 Archive

advanced materials

Advancing SC workforce

September 19, 2017

The University of South Carolina has been preparing students for the workforce for generations. As the state has attracted more high-tech manufacturing operations, the need for more skilled workers has grown rapidly. The university can now increase its reach to help even more South Carolinians take advantage of these opportunities with a $20 million National Science Foundation grant.

road research

UofSC research means better roads coming to South Carolina

June 12, 2017, Mike Ettlemyer

The research team will receive $1.76 million in funding from the SC Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration to collect new data on the state’s roadways over the next four years. The research will determine how roads can better be constructed, fixed and maintained so that new pavement lasts longer.

Student Joe Toomb in the Miao minority village of Guiyang, China

From Carolina to ... anywhere

April 21, 2017, Dan Cook

Last year, some 1,700 undergraduates studied abroad — a 15 percent increase. The quick jump is just one aspect of the increasing internationalization of the University of South Carolina, a coordinated effort led by Global Carolina, a strategic initiative launched two years ago.