With more than 360,000 living alumni, the University of South Carolina has stories to tell, and Carolinian is here to tell them. From celebrated artists, scientists and business leaders to everyday alumni who embody the spirit of Carolina, this is our story — and this is your magazine.
Carolinian is published three times a year and distributed to members of the USC Alumni Association. Select features from the print edition can be found here, alongside web-exclusive stories, videos and interviews that celebrate our successes, revisit our history and remind us what it means to be a Carolinian. Forever to thee!

Canvassing the City
Garrison Gist played fullback for the Gamecocks. Now the School of Visual Art and
Design graduate is scoring big as a muralist and painter.
Meet Garrison Gist

Looking South at Sunset
Longstreet Theatre takes center stage in this late afternoon beauty shot taken from the roof of USC’s Byrnes Building, but Bates House, Campus Village and Williams-Brice Stadium play important supporting roles.

Life Starts Here!
At CarolinaLIFE, students with intellectual disabilities take charge of their futures through transformative education.
Philanthropy Works
Dave Bollinger: Providing opportunities
The University of South Carolina wasn’t on Dave Bollinger’s radar until his daughter, Ruth, enrolled in CarolinaLIFE. Now both Bollingers are giving back to support the next generation of USC students with intellectual disabilities.
Matt McCord: Drumming up scholarships
Onetime marching band trumpet player, former drum major and Gamecock football season ticket holder Matt McCord, ’95, is committed to supporting the Carolina Band and future music majors. He’s also a father of three — and he’s determined to pass along his outsized Carolina pride.
Cathy Knox: Investing in teachers
When Cathy Knox, ’72, started her career as an elementary school teacher, her principal played a critical role as a mentor. Now retired, she is helping the next generation of educators get the coaching and support they need by supporting the Carolina Teacher Induction Program.