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Arnold School of Public Health


Our Vision

Generate and communicate knowledge across the spectrum of nutrition research to optimize holistic health for all people using systems perspectives.

Goals and Objectives

  1. Build capacity to address the grand challenges in nutrition research
    • Engage students from units across the university in a training program that exposes them to the breadth of nutrition and food research
    • Facilitate linkages with community partnerships
    • Facilitate linkages with clinical partners
  2. Convene and facilitate research collaborations
    • Maintain an information hub for the kinds of research perspectives and approaches used by affiliates
    • Host annual symposium on a theme related to grand challenges
    • Distribute a newsletter highlighting recent publications and grants of affiliates
  3. Build a local, statewide and national presence in nutrition research
    • Identify grand challenges facing nutrition
    • Develop a training program for students interested in the broad view of nutrition research


The Nutrition Consortium's Research Foci



Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
