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Arnold School of Public Health

Research and Practice

Research Foci

Cutting Edge Research

Researchers in the Consortium work to understand how nutritional components interact with a variety of contexts, including political, physical, economic, and social structures. 

Project Title Contact PI / Project Leader Funding IC(s)
Expanding the reach of the Nutritious Eating with Soul (NEW Soul) program: A Type 2 hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial Brie Turner-McGrievy NHLBI
Ensuring the cultural relevance of Dietary Guidelines diet patterns among African Americans: Increasing dietary quality and reducing type 2 diabetes risk Brie Turner-McGrievy NIDDK
Developing a Community-Informed, Peer-to-Peer Intervention to Improve Health-Related Quality of Life among African American Men Guillermo Wippold NIMHD
Impact of Disparities in Food Security on Glycemic Control and Health CareUtilization Among Youth and Young Adults with Diabetes Angela Liese NIDDK
A Transdisciplinary Approach to Investigating Metabolic Dysregulation in Obese Parent and Child Dyads and Risk of Colorectal Cancer James Hebert NCI
Understanding Community Obesity Initiatives and Informing Tailored Community Interventions to Reduce Childhood Obesity Russell Pate NIDDK
What's UP (Undermining Prevention) with Summer? Etiology of Accelerated Weight Gain during Summer vs. School Year Michael Beets NIDDK
Evaluating nutrition labeling policy changes in the US and Mexico. Jim Thrasher  NIDDK
Targeting important behaviors for weight loss through the use of social gaming and points: The Social Pounds Off Digitally (Social POD) study Brie Turner-McGrievy NIDDK
USC PRC Center and Core Research Project: National Implementation Study of the Faith, Activity, and Nutrition (FAN) Program Sara Wilcox NCCDPHP
Reducing Health Disparities in Childhood Obesity Using Financial Incentives in Low-income Households Michael Beets NIDDK
Spillover Benefits: The Impact of Summer Programming on Parental Rules and Routines Associated with Children's Obesogenic Behaviors Layton Reesor-Oyer NIDDK
A nutrition-based approach to reduce heart disease risk among overweight African Americans: Use of soul food plant-based or omnivorous diets to address cardiovascular disease Brie Turner-McGrievy NHLBI
Periodontal antibodies to predict Alzheimer's disease mortality Anwar Merchant NIA
Using CGM technology to assess acute impact of food insufficiency and food insecurity on glycemic control in persons with youth-onset type 1 and type 2 diabetes (115200-22-59896) Angela Liese Prisma Health - Upstate
DiCAYA: South Carolina Youth Angela Liese CDC/HHS
Using causal mediation models to examine multi-sectoral health and nutrition program impact paths and moderation by agricultural interventions and equity Edward Frongillo HKI/LSHTM
Food is Medicine: Randomized Trial of Medically-Tailored Food Support for Diabetes Health Edward Frongillo The Regents of the University of California, San Francisco/NIH
Linkages between nutritional outcomes and food and nutrition security Edward Frongillo ERS/USDA
Promoting Nutrition Security by Examining the Relationships between Food Insecurity and Nutrition and Health Indicators in Federal Data Edward Frongillo ERS/USDA
The Effect of Social Capital on Global Food Security Edward Frongillo ERS/USDA
Improving WIC Services: Identifying Children at Risk for Obesity in the First 24 Months of Life Edward Frongillo NHLBI/NIH
Redesigning GMPs to improve nutrition, health and development of children Edward Frongillo IFPRI/BMGF
Role of the Autonomic Nervous System in Gastrointestinal Inflammation and Colorectal Adenoma Risk - Subcontract with VCU James Hebert NCI/NIH
Maternal and Child Health Catalyst Program Jihong Liu HRSA/HHS
Maternal and Child Health LEAP Program Jihong Liu HRSA/HHS
Women in Control of Diabetes (WICO): a Team-based Novel Care Model Targeted at Reducing Treatment Barriers Experienced by Women Across the Lifespan  Jihong Liu Prisma Health Midlands/BCBS
Cause and Effect Relationships Between Glycation and the Ancestry Specific Tumor Stroma Susan Steck NCI/NIH
Increasing Low-income Children's Access to Healthy Structured Programming to Reduce Obesity Glenn Weaver NIDDK
Project: Transforming Agrifood Systems in South Asia (TAFSSA) Christine Blake IFPRI
SNAP-Ed Evaluation Carrie Draper SCDSS/USDA
Food is Medicine SC Landscape Assessment and Evaluation Capacity Building Carrie Draper SCRF/BCBS
Randomized controlled trial of the effect of intravenous iron on anaemia in Malawian pregnant women (REVAMP) Leila Larson The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research/Gates Foundation
Consultancy for the Joint Interventions to Improve Birth Outcomes and Nutrition Research Project in Bangladesh Leila Larson IFPRI/BMGF

Antonio J, Newmire DE, Stout JR, Antonio B, Gibbons M, Lowery LM, Arent SM, et al. Common questions and misconceptions about caffeine supplementation: what does the scientific evidence really show? Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2024 Dec 31;21(1):2323919.

Day KR, Bernhart JA, Wilcox S. Barriers and Facilitators to 24-Month Maintenance of the Faith, Activity, and Nutrition Program in the U.S. J Relig Health [Internet]. 2024 Mar 25 [cited 2024 Apr 3]; Available from:

DuBois KE, Blake CE, Rudisill C, Harrison SE, Hébert JR. Use of Treatment and Self-Management Methods: Perspectives and Decisions of Patients With Ulcerative Colitis. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 2024 Apr 2;15598276241243300.

Fairman CM, Kava CM, Beima-Sofie K, Sakhuja M, Masud M, Dias E, Hébert JR, et al. Addressing differences in cancer: a framework for synergistic programming in cancer prevention and control. 2024.

Iruhiriye E, Frongillo EA, Olney DK, Niyongira E, Nanama S, Blake CE, et al. Understanding differential reductions in undernutrition among districts in Rwanda through the perspectives of mid-level and community actors on policy commitment and policy coherence. Matern Child Nutr. 2024 Mar 1;e13640.

Kipp C, Wilson DK, Brown A, Quattlebaum M, Loncar H, Sweeney AM, Abshire DA, et al. Compounding effects of stress on diet, physical activity, and wellbeing among African American parents: a qualitative study to inform the LEADS health promotion trial. J Behav Med. 2024 Mar 9;

Koohsari MJ, Kaczynski AT, Miyachi M, Oka K. Building on muscles: how built environment design impacts modern sports science. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2024;10(1):e001908.

Malik FS, Liese AD, Ellyson A, Reid LA, Reboussin BA, Sauder KA, Frongillo EA, et al. Household food insecurity and associations with hemoglobin A1c and acute diabetes-related complications in youth and young adults with type 1 diabetes: The SEARCH for diabetes in youth study. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2024 Apr 3;111608.

Parker H, Burkart S, Reesor-Oyer L, Klinggraeff L von, Pfledderer CD, Adams E, Weaver RG, Beets MW, et al. The Day-Level Association Between Child Care Attendance and 24-Hour Movement Behaviors in Preschool-Aged Children. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 2024 Apr 5;1(aop):1–8.

Pfledderer C, von Klinggraeff L, Burkart S, da Silva Bandeira A, Lubans D, Jago R, Thrasher JF, Beets MW, et al. Consolidated guidance for behavioral intervention pilot and feasibility studies. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 2024 Apr 6;10(57):1–25.

Su ZT, Mamawala M, Landis PK, de la Calle CM, Pavlovich CP, Trock BJ, Wirth M, Hebert JR, et al. Association between dietary nutrients and inflammatory potential and biopsy upgrading in men with prostate cancer on active surveillance. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations. 2024 Mar 1;42:S96.

Związek N, Prescha A, Gorczyca D, Paściak M, Szponar B, Hebert JR. The Relationship between Serum Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Dietary Inflammatory Index in Children with Recurrent Respiratory Infections. Proceedings. 2024;91(1):412.

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health Academy Week 2024
American College of Sports Medicine 2024
American Diabetes Association 2024
  • Emmanuel F. Julceus, Jason A. Mendoza, Kate Flory, Edward A. Frongillo, Anwar Merchant, Faisal Malik, Daniel K. Cooper, Beth A. Reboussin, Katherine A. Sauder, Anna Bellatorre, Angela D. Liese; 693-P: Association of Resilience with Hemoglobin A1c and Mental Health Symptoms in Youth and Young Adults with Diabetes. Diabetes 14 June 2024; 73 (Supplement_1): 693–P.
  • Angela D. Liese, Emmanuel F. Julceus, Caroline Rudisill, Faisal Malik, Kate Flory, Edward A. Frongillo, Katherine A. Sauder, Jason A. Mendoza; 189-OR: Food Insecurity and Inability to Obtain Recommended Medications, Diabetes Technology, and Multidisciplinary Services in Youth and Young Adults with Diabetes. Diabetes 14 June 2024; 73 (Supplement_1): 189–OR.
  • Ali M. Alfalki, Emmanuel F. Julceus, Kate Flory, Jason A. Mendoza, Faisal Malik, Edward A. Frongillo, Beth A. Reboussin, Anna Bellatorre, Dana Dabelea, Catherine Pihoker, Angela D. Liese; 207-OR: Food Insecurity Patterns and Mental Health among Youth and Young Adults with Diabetes. Diabetes 14 June 2024; 73 (Supplement_1): 207–OR.
American Society for Nutrition 2023
  • Victoria Adebiyi: “Determinants and Consequences of Food
    Insecurity Among Women in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Narrative
  • Morgan Boncyk: “Identifying and Defining Constructs for
    Assessment of Household- and Individual-Level Drivers of
    Food Choice.”
  • Morgan Boncyk: “Body Ideals are being used to Promote
    Unhealthy Foods and Beverages in Ghana Television
  • Sejla Isanovic: “Alignment Between Food-Safety Policies and
    Perspectives of Consumers in Three African Countries.”
  • Muskan Makkar: “Portrayal of Different Body Sizes and
    Genders in Goal Frames used to Promote Food and Beverage
    Advertisements in Ghana.”
  • Samin Sharraf: "How do policies address food safety?
    Evidence from policy document analyses in three African
  • Marian Winters: “Healthy and unhealthy foods promoted in
    television food and beverage advertisements in Accra, Ghana.”
  • Longgang Zhao: “Higher ultra-processed food intake is
    associated with adverse liver outcomes: a prospective cohort
    study of UK Biobank participants”
  • Xuanxuan Zhu: "Maternal Mental Health and Infant
    Complementary Feeding Practices"
  • Audrey Richards: “How participation in assessments during
    data collection for an agricultural livelihood and food security
    study in Kenya affected caregivers and young children”
  • Edward Frongillo (Chair): “What is Nutrition Security and
    How Do We Assess and Monitor It?”
American Diabetes Association 2023
  • Emmanuel Julceus: "Child-Reported Food Security in Children
    with Type 1 Diabetes: Association with Glycemic Control and
    Mental Health Symptoms Independent of Household Food
  • Andrea Brown: "Intersectionality Among Health-Related Social
    Needs Predicts Poor Mental Health Among Youth and Young
    Adults with Diabetes"
American Society for Nutrition 2022
  • Alexandra Pepetone, Edward Frongillo, Michael Wallace, David Hammond, Sharon Kirkpatrick. Household Food Insecurity in Middle- and High-Income Countries Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 6, Issue Supplement_1, June 2022, Page 155,
  • Bezawit Eyob Kase, Angela Liese, Jiajia Zhang, E Angela Murphy, Longgang Zhao, Susan Steck. The Development and Evaluation of a Literature-Based Dietary Index for Gut Microbiota. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 6, Issue Supplement_1, June 2022, Page 371,
  • Bezawit Eyob Kase, Leila Larson, Edward Frongillo, Wendy Gonzalez, Irowa Erhabor, Eric Djimeu. Effectiveness of the Eggs Make Kids Demand-Creation Campaign to Improve Household Availability of Eggs and Egg Consumption in Young Children in Nigeria. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 6, Issue Supplement_1, June 2022, Page 669,
  • Brittany Crawford, Dale Sandler, Anwar Merchant, Susan Steck, Yong-Moon Park, Dietary Patterns, Socioeconomic Status, and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in the Sister Study. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 6, Issue Supplement_1, June 2022, Page 7,
  • Brittany Crawford, Dale Sandler, Hazel Nichols, Ginger Milne, Susan Steck, Yong-Moon Park. Association Between Healthy Dietary Patterns and Markers of Oxidative Stress.Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 6, Issue Supplement_1, June 2022, Page 355,
  • Elizabeth Adams, Melanie Bean, Roddrick Dugger, Tegwyn Brickhouse. Patterns of Food Security and Dietary Intake Among Children Across the U.S. Child Tax Credit Expansion. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 6, Issue Supplement_1, June 2022, Page 188,
  • Hilary Bethancourt, Edward Frongillo, Sara Viviani, Carlo Cafiero, Sera Young. Household Water Insecurity Is Positively Associated With Household Food Insecurity in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 6, Issue Supplement_1, June 2022, Page 549,
  • Hope Bercaw, Andrea Brown, Beth Reboussin, Jason Mendoza, Edward Frongillo, Katherine Sauder, Anna Bellatorre, Amy Shah, Tiffany Luong, Santica Marcovina, Angela Liese. Health-Related Social Needs and Diet Quality in Youth and Young Adults with Youth-Onset Type 1 Diabetes: Cross-Sectional Findings From the SEARCH Food Security Cohort Study. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 6, Issue Supplement_1, June 2022, Page 885,
  • Sejla Isanovic, Edward Frongillo, Shilpa Constantinides, Shiva Bhandari, Samin Sharraf, Emma Kenney, Christine Blake. Perspectives about Food Safety in Diverse Low- and Middle-income Countries. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 6, Issue Supplement_1, June 2022, Page 488,
  • Shiny Drew, Christine Blake, Eva Monterrosa, Krystal Rampalli, Abdullah Nurus Salam Khan, Ligia Reyes, Salome Bukachi, Mariah Ngutu, Edward Frongillo, Elyse Iruhiriye, Amy Girard, Paula Dominguez-Salas. How Schwartz’ Basic Human Values Influence Food Choices in Kenya and Tanzania. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 6, Issue Supplement_1, June 2022, Page 479,
American Diabetes Association 2022
  • Andrea D. Brown, Jason A. Mendoza, Edward A. Frongillo, Kate Flory, Beth A. Reboussin, Elizabeth T. Jensen, Lawrence M. Dolan, Anna Bellatorre, Faisal Malik, Santica M. Marcovina, Catherine Pihoker, Angela D. Liese; 570-P: Household Food Insecurity, Stress, and Anxiety among Youth and Young Adults with Diabetes. Diabetes1 June 2022; 71 (Supplement_1): 570–P.
  • Katherine A. Sauder, Deborah H. Glueck, Kylie K. Harrall, Ralph Dagostino, Lawrence M. Dolan, Abbi Lane-Cordova, Angela D. Liese, Eva Lustigova, Faisal Malik, Santica M. Marcovina, Elizabeth J. Mayer-Davis, Amy K. Mottl, Catherine Pihoker, Kristi Reynolds, Amy S. Shah, Elaine M. Urbina, Lynne E. Wagenknecht, Stephen R. Daniels, Dana Dabelea; 1085-P: Exploring Racial And Ethnic Disparities In Arterial Stiffness In Type 1 DiabetesDiabetes1 June 2022; 71 (Supplement_1): 1085–P. Https://Doi.Org/10.2337/Db22-1085-P
American Association for Cancer Research 2022
Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health Academy Week 2022
American Society for Nutrition 2021
American Diabetes Association 2021
American Public Health Association 2020
American Society for Nutrition 2020 
  • Bhandari S, Frongillo E, Suwal R, Gupta AS, Tiwari NP, Cunningham K. Sustaining Agriculture-Nutrition Interventions: Analysis of Determinants of Village Model Farmer Active Engagement in Nepal. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2020;4(Supplement_2):811-811. doi:10.1093/cdn/nzaa053_016.
  • Iruhiriye E, Olney D, Frongillo E. Coherence Among Sectors and Stakeholders Differentiates Districts in Rwanda That Did and Did Not Improve Child Stunting. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2020;4(Supplement_2):845-845. doi:10.1093/cdn/nzaa053_050.
  • Jackson E, Liese A, Pihoker C, et al. Association Between Household Food Security and Disordered Eating Behaviors Among Young Adults with Diabetes: The SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2020;4(Supplement_2):1419-1419. doi:10.1093/cdn/nzaa061_047.
  • Martínez-Jaikel T, Jr. EF, Blake C, Fram M, Murillo-Castro A, Esquivel-Solís V. Promoting Co-Responsibility in the Household and Self-Care Through an Intervention for Food-Insecure Women with Excess Body Weight in Costa Rica. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2020;4(Supplement_2):236-236. doi:10.1093/cdn/nzaa043_087.
  • Mendes FDC, Thawer S, Shivappa N, Hebert JR, Burney PGJ, Garcia-Larsen V. Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII®) and Lung Function in Adults from Ten European Countries – Evidence from the GA2LEN Follow-Up Survey. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2020;4(Supplement_2):1393-1393. doi:10.1093/cdn/nzaa061_021.
  • Monalisa NFrongillo E, Blake C, Steck S, Dipietro R. Food-Choice Values of Elementary School Children and Strategies Used to Influence Mothers’ Food Purchasing Decisions. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2020;4(Supplement_2):720-720. doi:10.1093/cdn/nzaa051_017.
  • Nguyen H, Frongillo E, Fram MAdolescent Students Experiencing Hunger Consume Less Healthy Diets: Evidence from the Global School-Based Student Health Survey in 95 Countries. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2020;4(Supplement_2):873-873. doi:10.1093/cdn/nzaa053_078.
  • Reyes L, Frongillo E, Blake C, Moore S, Gonzalez W, Bonvecchio A. Role of Social Networks in Maternal Food Choice for Children Ages 1 to 5 Years Old in Rural Mexico. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2020;4(Supplement_2):897-897. doi:10.1093/cdn/nzaa053_102.
  • Turner D, Krisanits B, Frye C, Nogueira L, Schuster R, Ford M, Omonefe O, Steck S, Peterson L, Lilly M, Thomas C, Ahmed M, Findlay V. Consumption of Dietary Advanced Glycation End Products Promotes Prostate Tumor Growth by Creating a Tumor Enhancing Stromal Microenvironment. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2020;4(Supplement_2):359-359. doi:10.1093/cdn/nzaa044_058.
  • Warren A, Constantinides SFrongillo E, Blake C. Stakeholder Engagement Strategies for Policy and Programmatic Uptake: Lessons from the Drivers of Food Choice Competitive Grants Program. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2020;4(Supplement_2):920-920. doi:10.1093/cdn/nzaa053_125.
American Association for Cancer Research 2020

Policy and Practice Briefs

The Consortium was established in 2003 with a mission to create a local, state-wide, national, and global presence that establishes the University as a national leader in nutrition by engaging with community partners, other research institutions, public agencies, and professional organizations. Through this series, the Consortium provides objective, thoughtful analysis on current nutrition-related policy and practice issues from a public interest perspective. 

Nutrition Related Professional Organizations and Associations 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
