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My Honors College

Spring 2014

Dept. Course Section Title Carolina Core Honors Requirements
ACCT 224 H03 Introduction to Managerial Accounting Not Core AnReason
ACCT 226 H01 Introduction to Managerial Accounting Not Core AnReason
ACCT 226 H02 Introduction to Managerial Accounting Not Core AnReason
ACCT 324 H01 Survey of Commercial Law Not Core Elective
ACCT 324 H02 Survey of Commercial Law Not Core Elective
ANTH 161 H10 Human Origins: An Introduction to Biological Anthropology SCI NatScience
ANTH 161 H11 Human Origins: An Introduction to Biological Anthropology SCI NatScience
ANTH 373 H01 New Course: Introduction to Language Sciences
Cross-listed with LING 300/PSYC 470
GSS SocBehavSci
ANTH 551 H10 Medical Anthropology: Fieldwork (Cross Listed with HPEB 551) GSS SocBehavSci
ARTH 390 H01 New Course: Art, Anatomy, Grave-robbing and Zombies AIU Humanities
BIOL 102 H01 Biological Principles II SCI NatScience
BIOL 102 H02 Biological Principles II SCI NatScience
BIOL 102L H01 Biological Principles II Laboratory SCI NatScience
BIOL 102L H02 Biological Principles II Laboratory SCI NatScience
BIOL 102L H03 Biological Principles II Laboratory SCI NatScience
BIOL 102L H04 Biological Principles II Laboratory SCI NatScience
BIOL 244 H01 Human Anatomy & Physiology II SCI NatScience
BIOL 302 H01 Cell and Molecular Biology Not Core NatScience
BMEN 546 H10 Delivery of Bioactive Agents Not Core Elective
BMEN 589 H10 Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering Not Core Elective
BMEN 589 H11 Topic: Microfluidics Not Core Elective
BMEN 589 H12 Topic: Vascular Mechanics and Hemodynamics Not Core Elective
BMEN 589 H13 Topics: Developmental Principles of Regenerative Medicine Not Core Elective
CHEM 142 H01 Principles of Chemistry II SCI NatScience
CHEM 142 H02 Principles of Chemistry II SCI NatScience
CHEM 142 H03 Principles of Chemistry II SCI NatScience
CHEM 321 H01 Quantitative Analysis Not Core NatScience
CHEM 321 H02 Quantitative Analysis Not Core NatScience
CHEM 321L H01 Quantitative Analysis Laboratory Not Core NatScience
CHEM 321L H02 Quantitative Analysis Laboratory Not Core NatScience
CHEM 334 H01 Organic Chemistry II Not Core NatScience
CHEM 334L H01 Comprehensive Organic Chemistry Laboratory II Not Core NatScience
CHEM 334L H02 Comprehensive Organic Chemistry Laboratory II Not Core NatScience
CHIN 122 H01 Basic Proficiency in Mandarin Chinese GFL Humanities
CHIN 398 H10 Topic: Bollywood to Beijing Not Core Humanities
CHIN 398 H11 Topic: Business of Culture Not Core Humanities
CPLT 270 H01 World Literature (Cross Listed with ENGL 270) AIU EngLitSpeech
CSCE 102 H01 General Applications Programming ARP AnReason
CSCE 531 H10 Compiler Construction Not Core AnReason
CSCE 551 H10 Theory of Computation Not Core AnReason
CSCE 569 H10 Parallel Computing Not Core AnReason
CSCE 574 H10 Robotics Not Core AnReason
CSCE 580 H10 Artificial Intelligence Not Core AnReason
CSCE 582 H10 Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs Not Core AnReason
CSCE 590 H10 Topics in Information Technology Not Core AnReason
CSCE 590 H11 Topic: Big Data Analytics Not Core AnReason
CSCE 590 H12 Topics in Information Technology Not Core AnReason
CSCE 590 H13      
ECHE 589 H11 Special Advanced Topics in Chemical Engineering Not Core Elective
ECHE 589 H12 Special Advanced Topics in Chemical Engineering Not Core Elective
ECIV 524 H10 Structural Vibrations Not Core Elective
ECIV 533 H10 Geosynthetics and Geotechnical Design of Landfills Not Core Elective
ECIV 542 H10 Traffic Engineering Not Core Elective
ECIV 551 H10 Elements of Water and Wastewater Treatment Not Core Elective
ECIV 555 H10 Principles of Municipal Solid Waste Engineering Not Core Elective
ECIV 562 H10 Engineering Hydrology Not Core Elective
ECON 222 H01 Principles of Macroeconomics Not Core SocBehavSci
ECON 222 H02 Principles of Macroeconomics Not Core SocBehavSci
ECON 224 H01 Introduction to Economics Not Core SocBehavSci
ECON 224 H02 Introduction to Economics Not Core SocBehavSci
ECON 531 H01 Health Economics Not Core SocBehavSci
EDEC 201 H10 Inquiry into Early Childhood Education Not Core SocBehavSci
EDEC 250 H10 Play and Early Learning Not Core SocBehavSci
EDEC 340 H10 The Young Child: Development, Care and Education (Birth to 3 years) Not Core SocBehavSci
EDEL 505 H10 Nature and Management of Elementary Classrooms Not Core SocBehavSci
EDEL 505P H10 Inquiry Practicum: The Elementary School Not Core SocBehavSci
EDFN 300 H10 Schools in Communities Not Core SocBehavSci
EDML 321 H10 Middle Level Teaching and Management Not Core SocBehavSci
EDTE 201 H10 Issues and Trends in Teaching and Learning Not Core SocBehavSci
ELCT 510 H10 Renewable Energy Technologies: Photovoltaic Devices and Systems Not Core Elective
ELCT 531 H10 Digital Control Systems Not Core Elective
ELCT 553 H10 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Not Core Elective
ELCT 563 H10 Semiconductor Electronic Devices Not Core Elective
ELCT 564 H10 RF Circuit Design for Wireless Communications Not Core Elective
EMCH 516 H10 Control Theory in Mechanical Engineering Not Core Elective
EMCH 528 H10 Product Safety Engineering Not Core Elective
EMCH 532 H10 Intermediate Dynamics Not Core Elective
EMCH 553 H10 Nuclear Fuel Cycles Not Core Elective
EMCH 555 H10 Instrumentation for Nuclear Engineering Not Core Elective
EMCH 585 H10 Introduction to Composite Materials Not Core Elective
ENGL 102 H01 Rhetoric and Composition CMW
ENGL 102 H02 Rhetoric and Composition CMW
ENGL 102 H03 Rhetoric and Composition CMW
ENGL 102 H04 Rhetoric and Composition CMW
ENGL 102 H05 Rhetoric and Composition CMW
ENGL 270 H01 World Literature (Cross listed with CPLT 270) AIU EngLitSpeech
ENGL 282 H01 Contemporary Fiction and the Global South AIU EngLitSpeech
ENGL 283 H01 Themes in British Writing AIU EngLitSpeech
ENGL 285 H01 Themes in American Writing AIU EngLitSpeech
ENGL 288 H01 English Literature AIU EngLitSpeech
ENGL 360 H01 Creative Writing AIU EngLitSpeech
EXSC 191 H01 Physical Activity and Health Not Core Elective
FREN 122 H10 Basic Proficiency in French GFL Humanities
FREN 209 H10 Reading and Written Expression Not Core Humanities
GEOG 202 H01 Weather and Climate SCI NatScience
GEOG 337 H01 Psychogeography GSS SocBehavSci
GERM 110 H10 Beginning German GFL Humanities
GERM 122 H10 Basic Proficiency in German GFL Humanities
HIST 102 H01 European Civilization from the Mid-17th Century GHS Humanities
HIST 106 H01 Introduction to African History GHS Humanities
HIST 112 H01 United States History since 1865 GHS Humanities
HPEB 300 H10 Introduction to Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior Not Core SocBehavSci
HPEB 321 H10 Personal and Community Health Not Core SocBehavSci
HPEB 335 H10 First Aid and Emergency Preparedness Not Core Elective
HPEB 502 H10 Applied Aspects of Human Nutrition Not Core Elective
HPEB 511 H10 Health Problems in a Changing Society Not Core SocBehavSci
HPEB 512 H10 Southern Discomfort: Public Health in the American South Not Core SocBehavSci
HPEB 551 H10 Medical Anthropology: Field Work (Cross Listed with ANTH 551) GSS SocBehavSci
HPEB 552 H10 Medical Anthropology (Cross Listed with ANTH 552) GSS SocBehavSci
HPEB 553 H10 Community Health Problems Not Core SocBehavSci
HPEB 620 H10 Nutrition Through the Life Cycle Not Core Elective
HPEB 684 H10 HIV/STI Prevention Not Core Elective
IBUS 310 H10 Globalization and Business    
IBUS 401 H10 International Financial Management Not Core Elective
IBUS 402 H10 International Marketing Not Core Elective
ITAL 122 H10 Basic Proficiency in Italian GFL Humanities
JAPA 122 H10 Basic Proficiency in Japanese GFL Humanities
JAPA 222 H10 Intermediate Japanese II Not Core Humanities
JAPA 240 H10 Introduction to Japanese Culture Not Core Humanities
JAPA 353 H10 Japanese Culture and Society through Animation AIU Humanities
JAPA 398 H10 Topic: Japanese Culture and Society Through Film: Spirit of Samurai AIU Humanities
JOUR 563 H01 Media and Politics Not Core SocBehavSci
LATN 110 H10 Beginning Latin II GFL Humanities
LING 300 H01 Introduction to Language Sciences
Cross-listed with ANTH 373/PSYC 470
GSS SocBehavSci
MATH 142 H01 Calculus II ARP AnReason
MATH 241 H01 Vector Calculus Not Core AnReason
MATH 241 H02 Vector Calculus Not Core AnReason
MATH 242 H01 Elementary Differential Equations Not Core AnReason
MATH 544 H01 Linear Algebra Not Core AnReason
MATH 547 H01 Algebraic Structures II Not Core AnReason
MATH 550 H01 Vector Analysis Not Core AnReason
MATH 555 H01 Analysis II Not Core AnReason
MATH 575 H01 Discrete Mathematics II Not Core AnReason
MGMT 371 H01 Principles of Management Not Core Elective
MGMT 478 H10 Strategic Management Not Core Elective
MGSC 290 H01 Computer Information Systems in Business Not Core Elective
MGSC 290 H10 Computer Information Systems in Business Not Core Elective
MGSC 395 H01 Operations Management Not Core Elective
MKTG 351 H01 Consumer Behavior Not Core Elective
MSCI 102 H01 The Living Ocean SCI NatScience
MSCI 210 H01 Oceans and Society SCI NatScience
MSCI 210L H01 Oceans and Society Laboratory SCI NatScience
NURS 201 H10 Introduction to Human Genetics for Health Care Professionals Not Core Elective
NURS 212 H10 Evolution of Nursing Science Not Core Elective
NURS 220 H10 Clinical Nutrition Not Core Elective
NURS 226 H10 Socio-Cultural Variations in Health and Illness Not Core Elective
NURS 400 H10 Evidence-based Nursng Practice Not Core Elective
NURS 428 H10 Nursing Leadership & Management Not Core Elective
NURS 431 H10 Family & Community Health Nursing Not Core Elective
PHIL 102 H01 Introduction to Philosophy Not Core HistoryCiv
PHIL 110 H01 Introduction to Logic I ARP AnReason
PHIL 110 H02 Introduction to Logic I ARP AnReason
PHIL 111 H01 Introduction to Logic II Not Core AnReason
PHIL 211 H01 Contemporary Moral Problems VSR Humanities
PHIL 321 H01 Medical Ethics VSR Humanities
PHYS 155 H10 Musical Acoustics SCI NatScience
PHYS 155L H01 Acoustics Laboratory SCI NatScience
PHYS 202 H01 General Physics II SCI NatScience
PHYS 202L H01 General Physics Laboratory II SCI NatScience
PHYS 211 H01 Essentials of Physics I SCI NatScience
PHYS 211L H01 Essentials of Physics I Lab SCI NatScience
PHYS 212 H01 Essentials of Physics II SCI NatScience
PHYS 212L H01 Essentials of Physics II Lab SCI NatScience
PHYS 307 H10 Introduction to Modern Physics Not Core NatScience
POLI 361 H01 Elections and Voting Behavior GSS SocBehavSci
POLI 464 H01 Roosevelt Institution Seminar GSS SocBehavSci
POLI 554 H01 Law and Society: Promoting Rule of Law in a Turbulent World: Challenges for US Foreign Policy GSS SocBehavSci
PSYC 101 H01 Introduction to Psychology GSS SocBehavSci
PSYC 101 H02 Introduction to Psychology GSS SocBehavSci
PSYC 310 H01 Psychology of Women GSS SocBehavSci
PSYC 420 H01 Survey of Developmental Psych GSS SocBehavSci
PSYC 470 H01 Introduction to Language Sciences
Cross-listed with ANTH 373/LING 300
GSS SocBehavSci
PSYC 521 H01 Psychology of Adolescence Not Core SocBehavSci
PUBH 102 H10 Introduction to Public Health GSSNot Core SocBehavSci
PUBH 102 H11 Introduction to Public Health GSS SocBehavSci
RELG 333 H02 Women and Religion Not Core Humanities
RELG 491 H01 Topic: Tantra: Sex, Power, and Bliss in South Asian Religions Not Core Humanities
RUSS 122 H10 Basic Proficiency in Russian GFL Humanities
RUSS 280 H10 Introduction to Russian Civilization Not Core HistoryCiv
RUSS 398 H10 Topic: Russian Writers on Russia AIU HistoryCiv
SCHC 115 H01 Descriptive Astronomy SCI NatScience
SCHC 115L H01 Descriptive Astronomy Lab SCI NatScience
SCHC 115L H02 Descriptive Astronomy Lab SCI NatScience
SCHC 115L H03 Descriptive Astronomy Lab SCI NatScience
SCHC 158 H01 Rhetoric CMS Humanities
SCHC 158 H02 Rhetoric CMS EngLitSpeech
SCHC 263 H01 French Communication and Culture Not Core Humanities
SCHC 325 H01 Representations of Holocaust GHS Humanities
SCHC 330 H01 Introduction to Neuroscience GSS SocBehavSci
SCHC 330 H03 Psychology of the Zombie Apocalypse GSS SocBehavSci
SCHC 333 H01 SC Government Semester Seminar (For information and to register contact SCHC Director of Internships) GSS SocBehavSci
SCHC 333 H02 S.C. Government Semester Seminar Not Core Elective
SCHC 334 H01 The United States and China GSS SocBehavSci
SCHC 334 H03 New Course: Tragedy: Ancient and Modern Perspectives AIU
SCHC 359 H01 The Nature of Religious Experience Not Core Humanities
SCHC 359 H02 New Course: Knitting and Philosophy Not Core Humanities
SCHC 359 H03 Curmudgeons Not Core Humanities
SCHC 359 H04 Authenticity: How to Live the Good Life and be True to Yourself VSR HistoryCiv
SCHC 366 H01 American Art and the Civil War AIU HistoryCiv
SCHC 366 H02 From Page to Stage    
SCHC 367 H01 Experimental Music Workshop AIU Humanities
SCHC 381 H01 Othello Trial AIU EngLitSpeech
SCHC 381 H01 Folklore in American Life GSS SocBehavSci
Schc 386 510 Prosem: Classical Trad/Amer Not Core HistoryCiv
SCHC 387 H01 Law and Social Evolution Not Core Elective
SCHC 391 H01 Honors Research Series Not Core Elective
SCHC 391 H02 Honors Research Series Not Core Elective
SCHC 391 H03 Proseminar    
SCHC 392 H01 Initiating the Research Experience Not Core Elective
SCHC 402 H10 Human and Medical Genetics Not Core NatScience
SCHC 403 H01 Chemistry of Food SCI NatScience
SCHC 403 H02 Forensics in Fiction Not Core NatScience
SCHC 425 H01 New Course: Early American Women GHS HistoryCiv
SCHC 425 H02 New Course: The Culture and Science History of Zoological Gardens GHS HistoryCiv
SCHC 433 H01 “Art” of Law Making Not Core SocBehavSci
SCHC 433 H02 New Course: American Politics 2035 GSS SocBehavSci
SCHC 433 H03 Debating Washington Issues (Washington Semester course for SCHC students) GSS BeyondClRoom
SCHC 433 H04 Debating Washington Issues (Washington Semester for non-SCHC students) Not Core BeyondClRoom
SCHC 450 H01 New Course: Topic: American Bestsellers AIU EngLitSpeech
SCHC 452 H01 Literary Annuals: Digital Humanities Meets 19th Century Popular Culture AIU EngLitSpeech
SCHC 452 H02 New Course: Digital Literary Studies AIU Humanities
SCHC 458 H01 Experiencing Theatre in D.C. (Washington Semester for SCHC students) AIU BeyondClRoom
SCHC 458 H02 Experiencing Theatre in D.C. (Washington Semester for non-SCHC students) Not Core BeyondClRoom
SCHC 466 H01 Folklore and Film AIU SocBehavSci
SCHC 467 H01 Jazz: America’s Music Voice AIU HistoryCiv
SCHC 467 H02 Introduction to World Music with Emphasis on Latin Music and the African Diaspora AIU Humanities
SCHC 467 H10 Music of Africa (Cross Listed with AFAM 398-001) AIU HistoryCiv
SCHC 481 H10 Special Research Topics in Analytical Techniques for Environmental Nanoscience - cross-listed with ENHS 862 Not Core NatScience
SCHC 483 H01 Football Writing AIU Humanities
SCHC 489 H01 S.C. Internship (for SCHC students) Not Core BeyondClRoom
SCHC 489 H02 S.C. Internship (for non-SCHC students) Not Core Elective
SCHC 498 H01 Honors Internship (See SCHC Internship Director) Not Core BeyondClRoom
SCHC 498 H02 Honors Internship   BeyondClRoom
SCHC 498 H03 Honors Internship (See SCHC Internship Director) Not Core BeyondClRoom
SCHC 498 H04 Washington Semester Internship (See SCHC Internship Director) Not Core BeyondClRoom
SCHC 498 H05 Washington Semester Internship (See SCHC Internship Director) Not Core Elective
SOCY 101 H01 Introductory Sociology GSS SocBehavSci
SOCY 355 H01 Race and Ethnic Relations GSS SocBehavSci
SPAN 122 H01 Basic Proficiency in Spanish GFL Humanities
SPAN 122 H02 Basic Proficiency in Spanish GFL Humanities
SPAN 209 H01 Intermediate Spanish I Not Core Humanities
SPAN 210 H01 Intermediate Spanish II Not Core Humanities
SPAN 309 H10 Advanced Spanish Language I Not Core Elective
SPAN 310 H01 Advanced Spanish Language II Not Core Humanities
SPCH 230 H01 Business & Professional Speaking CMS EngLitSpeech
SPCH 230 H02 Business & Professional Speaking CMS EngLitSpeech
STAT 516 H10 Statistical Methods II ARP AnReason
WGST 112 H01 Women in Society GSS SocBehavSci


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