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My Honors College

Fall 2013

Dept. Course Section Title Carolina Core Honors Requirements
ACCT 225 H01 Introduction to Financial Accounting Not Core AnReason
ACCT 225 H02 Introduction to Financial Accounting Not Core AnReason
ACCT 225 H03 Introduction to Financial Accounting Not Core AnReason
ACCT 324 H01 Survey of Commercial Law Not Core Elective
ANTH 161 H01 Introduction to Biological Anthropology SCI NatScience
ANTH 161 H02 Introduction to Biological Anthropology SCI NatScience
ARTH 544 H10 American Art and Memory AIU HistoryCiv
BIOL 101 H01 Biological Principles I SCI NatScience
BIOL 101 H02 Biological Principles I SCI NatScience
BIOL 101L H01 Biological Principles Laboratory I SCI NatScience
BIOL 101L H02 Biological Principles I Laboratory SCI NatScience
BIOL 101L H03 Biological Principles I Laboratory SCI NatScience
BIOL 101L H04 Biological Principles I Laboratory SCI NatScience
BIOL 243 H01 Human Anatomy and Physiology I SCI NatScience
BIOL 301 H01 Ecology and Evolution Not Core NatScience
BIOL 302 H01 Cell and Molecular Biology Not Core NatScience
BIOL 303 H01 Fundamental Genetics Not Core NatScience
BIOL 460 H01 General Physiology Not Core NatScience
BMEN 101 H10 Professional Ethics in Biomedical Engineering Not Core Elective
BMEN 589 H10 Topic: Biomedical Engineering Not Core Elective
CHEM 107 H01 Forensic Chemistry SCI NatScience
CHEM 141 H01 Principles of Chemistry I SCI NatScience
CHEM 141 H02 Principles of Chemistry I SCI NatScience
CHEM 141 H03 Principles of Chemistry I SCI NatScience
CHEM 321 H01 Quantitative Analysis Not Core NatScience
CHEM 321 H02 Quantitative Analysis Not Core NatScience
CHEM 321L H01 Quantitative Analysis Laboratory Not Core NatScience
CHEM 321L H02 Quantitative Analysis Laboratory Not Core NatScience
CHEM 333 H01 Organic Chemistry I Not Core NatScience
CHEM 333L H01 Comprehensive Organic Chemistry Laboratory I Not Core NatScience
CHEM 333L H02 Comprehensive Organic Chemistry Laboratory I Not Core NatScience
CHEM 333L H03 Comprehensive Organic Chemistry Laboratory I Not Core NatScience
CHEM 333L H04 Comprehensive Organic Chemistry Laboratory I Not Core NatScience
CHIN 121 H01 Elementary Chinese Mandarin GFL Humanities
CHIN 121 H02 Elementary Chinese Mandarin GFL Humanities
CLAS 586 H10 Classical Mythology AIU Humanities
CPLT 270 H01 World Literature AIU EngLitSpeech
CPLT 300 H10 What Is Comparative Literature AIU EngLitSpeech
CSCE 211 H10 Digital Logic Design Not Core Elective
CSCE 212 H10 Introduction to Computer Architecture Not Core Elective
CSCE 513 H10 Computer Architecture Not Core Elective
CSCE 520 H10 Database System Design Not Core Elective
CSCE 522 H10 Information Security Principles Not Core Elective
CSCE 565 H10 Introduction to Computer Graphics Not Core Elective
ECHE 101 H01 Introduction to Chemical Engineering Not Core Elective
ECIV 520 H10 Structural Analysis II Not Core Elective
ECIV 530 H10 Foundation Analysis and Design Not Core Elective
ECIV 540 H10 Transportation Systems Planning Not Core Elective
ECIV 558 H10 Environmental Engineering Process Modeling Not Core Elective
ECIV 560 H10 Open Channel Hydraulics Not Core Elective
ECIV 580 H10 Railway Engineering I Not Core Elective
ECIV 588 H10 Design of Railway Bridges and Structures Not Core Elective
ECON 221 H01 Principles of Microeconomics Not Core SocBehavSci
ECON 221 H02 Principles of Microeconomics Not Core SocBehavSci
ECON 224 H01 Introduction to Economics Not Core SocBehavSci
EDEC 250 H10 Play and Early Learning Not Core SocBehavSci
EDEL 506 H10 Integrated Curriculum in Elementary Schools    
EDEL 506 H11 Integrated Curriculum in Elementary Schools    
EDPY 401 H10 Learners and the Diversity of Learning Not Core SocBehavSci
EDTE 201 H10 Issues and Trends in Teaching and Learning Not Core SocBehavSci
ELCT 521 H10 Introduction to Microwaves Not Core Elective
ELCT 530 H10 Industrial Controls Not Core Elective
ELCT 562 H10 Wireless Communications Not Core Elective
ELCT 566 H10 Semiconductor Optoelectronics Not Core Elective
ELCT 572 H10 Power Electronics Not Core Elective
EMCH 501 H10 Engineering Analysis I Not Core Elective
EMCH 508 H10 Finite Element Analysis in Mechanical Engineering Not Core Elective
EMCH 552 H10 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering Not Core Elective
EMCH 573 H10 Introduction to Nuclear Material Not Core Elective
EMCH 576 H10 Fundamentals and Applications of Fuel Cells Not Core Elective
EMCH 577 H10 Aerospace Structures I Not Core Elective
EMCH 584 H10 Advanced Mechanics of Materials Not Core Elective
ENCP 101 H10 Introduction to Engineering I Not Core Elective
ENGL 101 H01 Critical Reading and Composition CMW EngLitSpeech
ENGL 101 H02 Critical Reading and Composition CMW EngLitSpeech
ENGL 101 H04 Critical Reading and Composition CMW EngLitSpeech
ENGL 102 H01 Rhetoric and Composition CMW
ENGL 102 H02 Rhetoric and Composition CMW
ENGL 102 H03 Rhetoric and Composition CMW
ENGL 102 H04 Rhetoric and Composition CMW
ENGL 270 H10 World Literature AIU Humanities
ENGL 283 H01 Themes in British Writing AIU EngLitSpeech
ENGL 285 H01 New Course: Crime and Conscience in American Literature AIU EngLitSpeech
ENGL 287 H01 American Literature AIU EngLitSpeech
EXSC 191 H10 Physical Activity and Health Not Core Elective
EXSC 191 H11 Physical Activity and Health Not Core Elective
FINA 363 H01 Introduction to Finance Not Core Elective
FREN 122 H10 Basic Proficiency in French GFL Humanities
FREN 209 H10 Reading and Written Expression GFL Humanities
FREN 309 H10 Reading French Texts Not Core Humanities
GEOG 365 H01 New Course: Hurricanes and Tropical Climatology Not Core NatScience
GEOL 201 H10 Observing the Earth SCI NatScience
GEOL 335 H10 Process of Global Environmental Change SCI NatScience
GERM 109 H10 Beginning German GFL Humanities
GERM 121 H10 Elementary German GFL Humanities
GERM 122 H10 Basic Proficiency in German GFL Humanities
HIST 101 H01 European Civilization from Ancient Times to the Mid-17th Century GHS History
HIST 102 H01 European Civilization from the Mid-17th Century GHS History
HIST 105 H01 Introduction to East Asian Civilization GHS History
HIST 112 H01 United States History Since 1865 GHS History
HIST 492 H10 New Course: History of Southern African American Education, 1860-Present GHS History
HPEB 300 H10 Introduction to Health, Promotion, Education, and Behavior GSS SocBehavSci
HPEB 321 H10 Personal and Community Health GSS SocBehavSci
HPEB 335 H10 First Aid and Emergency Preparedness Not Core Elective
HPEB 470 H10 Principles of Global Health    
HPEB 501 H10 Human Sexuality Education Not Core SocBehavSci
HPEB 502 H10 Applied Aspects of Human Nutrition Not Core Elective
HPEB 511 H10 Health Problems in a Changing Society Not Core SocBehavSci
HPEB 550 H10 Behavioral Concepts and Processes for the Health Professional Not Core SocBehavSci
HPEB 552 H10 Medical Anthropology GSS SocBehavSci
HPEB 553 H10 Community Health Problems GSS SocBehavSci
IBUS 310 H10 Globalization and Business Not Core Elective
IBUS 310 H11 Globalization and Business Not Core Elective
IBUS 310 H12 Globalization and Business Not Core Elective
IBUS 310 H13 Globalization and Business Not Core Elective
IBUS 401 H10 International Financial Management Not Core Elective
IBUS 402 H10 International Marketing Not Core Elective
ITAL 121 H10 Elementary Italian GFL Humanities
JAPA 121 H10 Elementary Japanese GFL Humanities
JAPA 221 H10 Intermediate Japanese I Not Core Humanities
JAPA 331 H10 Japanese for Business I Not Core Humanities
JAPA 350 H10 Japanese Cultural and Society through Film AIU Humanities
JOUR 201 H01 Survey of Mass Communications    
JOUR 303 H01 Law and Ethics of Mass Media VSR
MATH 141 H01 Calculus I ARP AnReason
MATH 142 H01 Calculus II ARP AnReason
MATH 142 H02 Calculus II ARP AnReason
MATH 241 H01 Vector Calculus Not Core AnReason
MATH 241 H02 Vector Calculus Not Core AnReason
MATH 546 H01 Algebraic Structures I ARP AnReason
MATH 554 H01 Analysis I Not Core AnReason
MATH 574 H01 Discrete Mathematics I Not Core AnReason
MGMT 478 H10 Strategic Management Not Core Elective
MGSC 290 H10 Computer Information Systems in Business Not Core Elective
MKTG 350 H01 Principles of Marketing Not Core Elective
MSCI 101 H01 The Ocean Environment
SCI NatScience
MSCI 210 H01 Oceans and Society SCI NatScience
MSCI 210L H01 Oceans and Society Laboratory SCI NatScience
NURS 201 H10 Introduction to Human Genetics for Health Care Professionals Not Core Elective
NURS 212 H10 Evolution of Nursing Science Not Core Elective
NURS 220 H10 Evolution of Nursing Clinical Nutrition Not Core Elective
NURS 226 H10 Socio-Cultural Variations in Health and Fitness Not Core Elective
NURS 431 H10 Family and Community Health Nursing Not Core Elective
PHIL 102 H01 Introduction to Philosophy Not Core Humanities
PHIL 110 H01 Introduction to Logic I ARP AnReason
PHIL 110 H02 Introduction to Logic I ARP AnReason
PHIL 111 H01 Introduction to Logic II ARP AnReason
PHIL 304 H01 Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Philosophy Not Core HistoryCiv
PHIL 311 H01 Existentialism Not Core Humanities
PHIL 321 H01 Medical Ethics VSR Humanities
PHIL 332 H01 Philosophy of Education VSR HistoryCiv
PHYS 153 H01 Physics in the Visual Arts SCI NatScience
PHYS 153L H01 Physics in the Visual Arts Laboratory SCI NatScience
PHYS 199 H10 Measurement and Analysis in Physics SCI NatScience
PHYS 201 H01 General Physics I SCI NatScience
PHYS 201L H01 General Physics Laboratory I SCI NatScience
PHYS 211 H01 Essentials of Physics I SCI NatScience
PHYS 211L H01 Essentials of Physics I Laboratory SCI NatScience
PHYS 212 H01 Essentials of Physics II SCI NatScience
PHYS 212L H01 Essentials of Physics II Laboratory SCI NatScience
POLI 391 H01 New Course: Domestics, Politics, and International Studies Not Core SocBehavSci
POLI 391 H02 New Course: Health Policy Not Core SocBehavSci
POLI 443 H01 International Relations of East Asia and the Pacific Not Core SocBehavSci
PSYC 101 H01 Introduction to Psychology GSS SocBehavSci
PSYC 101 H02 Introduction to Psychology GSS SocBehavSci
PSYC 405 H01 Cognitive Psychology Not Core SocBehavSci
PSYC 420 H01 Survey of Developmental Psychology Not Core SocBehavSci
PSYC 450 H01 Sensation and Perception GSS SocBehavSci
PSYC 510 H01 Abnormal Behavior in Children Not Core ServLearn
PSYC 521 H01 Psychology of Adolescence   SocBehavSci
PUBH 102 H10 Introduction to Public Health GSS Elective
PUBH 102 H11 Introduction to Public Health GSS Elective
RELG 491 H01 New Course: Money, Power, Greed, and Theology Not Core Humanities
RELG 491 H02 Scripture East and West    
RUSS 121 H10 Elementary Russian GFL Humanities
SCHC 115 H01 Descriptive Astronomy SCI NatScience
SCHC 115L H01 Descriptive Astronomy Laboratory SCI NatScience
SCHC 115L H02 Descriptive Astronomy Laboratory SCI NatScience
SCHC 115L H03 Descriptive Astronomy Laboratory SCI NatScience
SCHC 158 H01 Rhetoric CMS EngLitSpeech
SCHC 158 H02 Rhetoric CMS EngLitSpeech
SCHC 274 H01 Fundamentals of Business Inquiry Not Core Elective
SCHC 274 H02 Fundamentals of Business Inquiry Not Core Elective
SCHC 285 H01 Natural History of South Carolina SCI NatScience
SCHC 330 H01 Introduction to Neuroscience GSS SocBehavSci
SCHC 330 H02 New Course: Psychology of the Zombie Apocalypse GSS SocBehavSci
SCHC 332 H02 Cultural Behaviors in Anthropology - Ethnographic Film GHS History
SCHC 332 H03 American Urban History and the Modern South GHS History
SCHC 332 H04 Historical Archeology GSS SocBehavSci
SCHC 334 H01 The Rise and Fall of the British Empire GSS SocBehavSci
SCHC 350 H01 New Course: Multicultural American Autobiography AIU EngLitSpeech
SCHC 364 H01 Spanish for Health Care Professionals Not Core BeyondClRoom
SCHC 366 H01 From Page to Stage AIU Humanities
SCHC 367 H01 Echoes in Blues AIU Humanities
SCHC 367 H02 Echoes in Blues AIU Humanities
SCHC 368 H01 The Visual Dimensions of the Performing Arts: Examining Theatrical Spectacle AIU Humanities
SCHC 382 H01 The Art of the Book AIU Humanities
SCHC 382 H02 The United States Constitution: Why and How It Was Created, How It Has Survived, and How It Impacts American Lives Not Core Humanities
SCHC 384 H01 Overcoming the Odds in Sports and Beyond Not Core SocBehavSci
SCHC 384 H02 Classical Traditions in Film AIU Humanities
SCHC 386 H01 Religion in the Age of Science   SocBehavSci
SCHC 392 H01 Initiating the Research Experience Not Core SocBehavSci
SCHC 403 H01 Chemistry of Food SCI NatScience
SCHC 433 H01 The State of American Politics GSS SocBehavSci
SCHC 450 H01 New Course: History and Utopia in Contemporary Fiction   EngLitSpeech
SCHC 451 H01 New Course: Reading the “Medieval” Manuscript AIU EngLitSpeech
SCHC 454 H01 Connecting Life and Leadership AIU EngLitSpeech
SCHC 457 H01 Southern Writers and the West AIU EngLitSpeech
SCHC 457 H02 New Course: Robert Burns AIU EngLitSpeech
SCHC 462 H01 Learning Non-Violence from Gandhi and Friends Not Core Humanities
SCHC 467 H01 “Boom!” Goes The Shadow: The Enigma of Space AIU Humanities
SCHC 467 H02 Pop Music: A Mirror to the 20th Century AIU Humanities
SCHC 467 H03 New Course: Experimental Music Workshop AIU Humanities
SCHC 467 H04 New Course: World Music - with Emphasis on Latin Music and the African Diaspora AIU Humanities
SCHC 467 H05 New Course: World Music - from Eastern Europe to Asia via the Middle East AIU Humanities
SCHC 480 H01 Legal Persuasion Not Core Elective
SOCY 101 H01 Introduction to Sociology GSS SocBehavSci
SOCY 315 H10 World Population GSS SocBehavSci
SOCY 322 H01 Sociology of Suicide GSS SocBehavSci
SPAN 121 H10 Elementary Spanish GFL Humanities
SPAN 122 H01 Basic Proficiency in Spanish GFL Humanities
SPAN 122 H02 Basic Proficiency in Spanish GFL Humanities
SPAN 209 H01 Intermediate Spanish I Not Core Humanities
SPAN 210 H10 Intermediate Spanish II Not Core Humanities
SPAN 309 H01 Advanced Spanish Language I Not Core Humanities
SPCH 230 H01 Business and Professional Speaking CMS EngLitSpeech
STAT 509 H01 Statistics for Engineers ARP AnReason
STAT 515 H01 Statistical Methods I ARP AnReason
UNIV 101 H01 Student in the University Not Core Elective
UNIV 101 H02 Student in the University Not Core Elective
WGST 111 H01 Women in Culture GSS SocBehavSci


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