Oleg S. Alexeev
Research interests include surface chemistry and catalysis, reaction kinetics, nanocatalysts, and supported metal clusters.
We develop high quality chemical engineers by continuously improving our undergraduate and graduate programs. We conduct world class research and innovative teaching, provide an environment for professional development, and are an effective resource for industry, government and academia.
Research interests include surface chemistry and catalysis, reaction kinetics, nanocatalysts, and supported metal clusters.
Research interests include computational modeling of heterogeneous catalysis and electrocatalysis.
Research interests include thermochemical experiments and modeling for nuclear fuel development and in-reactor behavior, and development of advanced nuclear waste forms.
Research interests in focusing on understanding surface chemistry on the atomic and molecular level, with application to the development of new materials for heterogeneous catalysts.
Research interests include development of mathematical modeling for improving the performance and safety in Li-ion batteries.
Research interests include electro-dialysis, hydrogen production, and hydrogen storage.
Advisory Program Manager for Fusion Energy at Savannah River National Lab.
Research interests include process modeling, control, and optimization, with applications involving particulate processing, bio-processes, and large scale systems.
Research interests involve understanding the immune system in order to develop bio-instructive materials that stimulate specific immune responses.
A patent attorney and chemical engineer who brings a broad skill set to intellectual property protection and management.
Research interests include nanomaterials, catalysis, computational chemistry, and multiscale modeling.
Research interests include solid oxide electrochemical cells, storage batteries, gas separation membranes, solid state defect chemistry and electrochemistry.
Research draws upon chemistry, biology, macromolecular science to exploit biomimetic strategies to engineer cellular constructs for regeneration of skeletal tissues. Research interests include tissue engineering, biomimetic materials, bioinspired nanocomposites, and peptide-mediated drug delivery.
Research interests in the interdisciplinary areas of biomaterials, stem cells and nano/micro-electromechanical systems with applications in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
Research interests include structural materials for energy storage, and microfabrication of batteries.
Research interests include catalysis, storage and reduction technology, and hydrogen storage.
Dr. Matthews is the Senior Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs and a professor of chemical and biomedical engineering. He conducts research in the broad field of thermodynamics, and his research interests include supercritical fluids, ionic liquids, green chemical engineering, and carbon dioxide technology for sterilization, disinfection, modification of tissue scaffolds, and deactivation of allergenic proteins and asthma triggers.
Research interests include photovoltaics, solar fuel conversion (water splitting and carbon dioxide remediation), and catalysis related to both.
Dr. Moss is the Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing. Her research focuses on understanding the role of amyloid-β protein (Aβ) aggregation in Alzheimer’s disease and inhibiting Aβ aggregation and its impact on cells as a therapeutic approach to this widespread and devastating illness.
Research interests include electrochemistry, catalysis, materials design, surface chemistry, energy conversion and storage, and electrochemical synthesis.
Research interests include hydrogen storage systems, and gas separation and purification.
Background involves the study of heterogeneous catalytic systems under reaction conditions.
Research interests include electrochemical hydrogen generation/storage/utilization, new approaches for electrical energy storage, C1 chemicals conversion, electrochemical engineering for desalination and separation applications.
Research interests include electrochemical power sources, industrial metal finishing, and corrosion.
Research interests include catalysis preparation and characterization, adsorption theory, and reaction kinetics.
Research interests include hydrogen storage systems, gas separation and purification, and targeted drug delivery.
Research interests include the structure, dynamics, and self-assembly of soft materials, with an emphasis on anisotropic components capable of leading to new, tunable macroscopic properties.
Research interests include electrochemical engineering, fluid flow, heat and mass transfer, and computational fluid dynamics.
Research interests include bio-nano hybrid and biomimetic materials, charge-driven self-assembly, structure-dynamics relations in polymer networks, hydrogels, soft glassy materials and living cells, microfabrication and 3D bioprinting and tissue engineering, and collective cell migration.
Research interests include catalyst preparation methods such as strong electrostatic adsorption, electroless deposition, and galvanic displacement, to optimize supported monometallic and multimetallic nanoparticle size, distribution, and degree of component metal interaction.
Research interests involve working toward the fundamental understanding of how the complex interactions at interfaces couple together to give the rich phenomena observed in various chemical and biological systems.
Research interests include crystallography, chemical synthesis, structures and properties of metal oxides, and electron, x-ray and neutron diffraction techniques and instrumentation.
Research interests focus on functional materials and biotechnologies using the combination of multiscale simulations, experiments and machine learning.
Research interests include fuel cells, batteries, electrodeposition, corrosion, and numerical methods.
Research interests include heterogeneous catalysis, surface science, catalyst design, and in-situ vibrational spectroscopy.
Research interests focus on the rational synthesis of catalysts through different methodologies, including the preparation of metal particle catalysts that range from single atoms to clusters, from 1-2 nm to larger than 2 nm particles.
Research interests include rheology of suspensions, polymer processing, and composite materials.
Research interests include chemical process systems and advanced professional engineering education.
Research interests include separations modeling and chemistry, filtration, and extraction chemistry.
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