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Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing

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Distance Education

The advantage of taking engineering and computing classes through distance education is obvious: convenience.

We know you have a lot on your plate, but you also want to advance in your career by obtaining an advanced degree. That’s why the Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing offers a variety of our fully-accredited degree programs through distance education.  Our distance education programs are taught by the same high-quality faculty that teach on-campus students, and the degree requirements and learning outcomes are the same. The only difference is how the content is delivered!

Options for everyone.

We offer undergraduate and graduate programs that are comprised of 100% online courses, even graduate programs with  a research component. Not ready to enroll yet? Non-degree seeking students are also welcome!


Discover the distance education format that works for you:

Jump start your career with an undergraduate degree from the Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing:

If you are seeking a graduate certificate or master’s degree comprised entirely of 100% online coursework, consider one of these programs:

Perhaps you want to learn to conduct research while earning a master’s degree? If you have access to resources to conduct research, such as at your workplace or on the university campus, you can do that, too.

Choose from these options:

If you want highest degree attainable in the engineering and computing fields, let us help you earn a Ph.D. Successful students in our distance education doctoral programs generally have access to state-of-the art research resources at their workplace or a nearby laboratory, or they conduct some or all research on campus. Our Ph.D. students may visit campus for a major milestone such as qualifying exam, dissertation proposal, or dissertation defense. However, coursework in these programs can be completed completely online.

We offer the following Ph.D. programs through distance education:

Note: Not all program elective courses are regularly offered through distance education. However, we ensure enough courses are offered for you to complete your degree requirements.

Maybe right now you’re not looking to earn a degree, and you just want to take a few graduate courses for personal or professional development or for licensure? Qualified students may enroll in the Graduate School as non-degree seeking students. To register for one of our classes as a non-degree student, you need to meet all prerequisites and obtain permission from the appropriate department. If later, you are admitted to one of our graduate programs, up to six credit hours may apply to your graduate program of study. So come on in, get your feet wet, and give distance education graduate study a try!

How it Works

Master of Science in Engineering Management:

The distance education Master of Science in Engineering Management is uniquely offered in an executive format, with classes delivered through live and recorded sessions that occur once a month, generally on a consecutive Friday and Saturday.  Interactive delivery sites include:

  • Lowcountry Graduate Center in Charleston, SC
  • University Center of Greenville, SC
  • University of South Carolina, Columbia SC

Attendance at one of these sites is encouraged, but is not required. Our students are completing classes in this program all over the country and when they travel abroad.

All other programs:

All other Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing distance education programs are offered in a more traditional format. Classes run either over an 8-week or 14-week term. We use a combination of streaming video, web conferencing, content management systems, and other technologies to deliver our classes in ways that help you learn, wherever you are. The pacing of online lectures and learning activities is generally guided by the professor. Often, you will be getting the exact same lecture as the students located on campus.

How to Apply

Admissions are competitive, particularly for graduate programs that include a research-based thesis or dissertation. Admissions criteria are the same for distance education and on-campus students, and are established by each program. Please view our Admissions pages to learn about the process, admissions criteria, points of contact, and other resources.

We look forward to receiving your application!

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