The Center for Predictive Maintenance at the University of South Carolina is an interdisciplinary group spanning four departments and includes students at all levels of education along with faculty members and military personnel. The program combines research and implementation solutions to support the U.S. Army Aviation program.

Project Spotlight: Virtual Reality and Predictive Analytics
The latest project for the Center for Predictive Maintenance combines predictive analytics with virtual reality (VR) technology. The Center worked with UofSC's School of Visual Art and Design and Research Cyberinfrastructure to create a VR demonstration showcasing an Apache tail rotor drive train intermediate gearbox. The demo allows the user to view the effects of fault progression in the wear of gears and how it affects the health of the gears. This demonstration is part of a partnership between Clemson University, the Fraunhofer Institute, and the South Carolina Department of Commerce which hopes to provide the manufacturing industry a methodology for producing zero-defect products.

Technology Grant from Siemens Provides Software and Hardware
On June 22, 2017, UofSC and Siemens announced a technology grant of Siemens software and hardware valued at $628 million. This software and hardware will be used to train the next generation of engineers in the manufacturing workforce. During the event for the announcement, the Center for Predictive Maintenance showcased its Virtual Reality Demonstration for an Apache Intermediate Gearbox. The center will use this software to improve and build upon our current Intermediate gearbox demonstration through model creation and simulation of parts.

CPM Attends NATO Chiefs of Transformation Conference
The Center for Predictive Maintenance recently attended the NATO Chiefs of Transformation Conference (COTC) to present the intermediate gearbox demonstration to showcase the capabilities of the University of South Carolina and IBM partnership to help military in NATO contries with advanced computing and fleet management. The COTC focused on how NATO and partners can leverage innovation to shape future capabilities to meet the ambitions of the Warsaw Summit outcomes now while preparing for an increasingly unstable, uncertain, challenging and dangerous world environment in 2030 and beyond. The presentation by UofSC was well received by all in attendance, which included one, two, three, and four star generals from the U.S. and other NATO affiliated countries.

CPM featured in Breakthrough Article
The Center for Predictive Maintenance is experiencing exciting new growth. On August 15, 2017, the Center was featured in an article for UofSC's Breakthrough magazine. The article talks about the future of the program with exciting new projects and a new larger facility.

Visitors from the Department of Defense
The Center for Predictive Maintenance gave a tour to visitors from the Department of Defense. Visitors were first given a general briefing on the activities and history of the Center and then were given a tour of the facilities. They were able to get an up close look at the various test stands at the Center and interact with CPM team members.

RMPIG meeting in Fort Worth, Texas
Dr. Bayoumi, Dave Green, and General Eisner attended a Rotary Wing Maintenance Programs Industry Group meeting held in Fort Worth, Texas. The meeting was hosted by Bell Helicopter and attended by various people in industry, academia and military. Topics of discussion included HUMS for Credit, Power Usage Inspection Intervals and Maintenance Steering Group (MSG-3) reviews.