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Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing

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Mechanical Engineering

Our Academics

Mechanical, aerospace and nuclear engineering students at the University of South Carolina can expect high-quality teaching coupled with many research opportunities. From advising to internships and co-ops, our students leave prepared and confident to begin professional careers or enter graduate school.

About the Department

The Mechanical Engineering Department at UofSC is among the front-runners in innovation and technology and boasts one of the largest mechanical engineering programs in t South Carolina. With approximately 900 undergraduate students, 180 graduate students and 34 full-time faculty, 5 full-time instructors, 11 staff members, we are making immense strides in providing world-class, diverse, inter-disciplinary and cutting-edge engineering education to our students.

Undergraduate Programs:

Aerospace engineers develop aircraft and spacecraft.

Established in 2017, our aerospace engineering program generates world-class engineers that are ready to join the aerospace industry. With an innovative curriculum and state-of-the art-labs, our students work on multi-disciplinary, hands-on projects leveraging technical knowledge gained through course work.

Job titles for recent graduates include: associate mechanical engineer, bioprocess engineer, product development and industrialization engineer, research engineer, robotics and automation engineer, systems engineer, test operations engineer, and many more. Our graduates are highly sought after and work for multi-national corporations.

More about the B.S.E. in Aerospace Engineering
Mechanical engineers design, develop and manufacture of both mechanical and thermal systems.

This program trains students in theory and hands-on practices in various aspects, from internal combustion engine and power automobiles to the use of computer vision in biomedical and automated manufacturing applications.

Our graduates lead successful practicing careers in cutting-edge technology research in mechanical engineering firms and are engaged in effective advanced graduate studies.

More about the B.S.E. in Mechanical Engineering

An undergraduate minor indicates expertise in a discipline either related to or different from your major. The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers minors in Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Nuclear Engineering.

More about undergraduate minors


Graduate Programs:

Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace Engineering Master of Science students study advanced topics in aerodynamics, aerospace materials and structures, and in-flight mechanics, stability and control. They also conduct in-depth research that advances the fields of aeronautics and astronautics.

Master of Engineering in Aerospace Engineering

Master of Engineering in Aerospace engineering is a professional master’s degree. Students study advanced topics and may carry-out a project in the field of aerospace to further their interest in industry or academia. This is a non-thesis graduate degree program.

More about graduate programs in Aerospace Engineering

Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering

The Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. program provides graduate students with learning opportunities for acquiring a broad foundation in a specific discipline in mechanical engineering knowledge, a strong and in-depth research experience for advancement of their careers in R&D, professional development and academia. Our Ph.D. students identify pertinent research problems and make breakthrough discoveries to find innovative solutions to real-life problems.

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

The Master of Science program provides exposure to advances in mechanical engineering through research. In addition to using modern modeling and simulation tools, students execute a research plan, generate and analyze original research results, and have opportunities to explore further through Ph.D or are prepared to enter workforce that requires a higher level of expertise.

Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering

The Master of Engineering program prepares students to identify, formulate, and solve thermal, fluid, material, or engineering design problems by applying first principles, including open-ended problems. This is a non-thesis graduate degree program.

More about graduate programs in Mechanical Engineering

Doctor of Philosophy in Nuclear Engineering

The Ph.D. program in Nuclear Engineering educates engineers who will contribute to the nuclear industry through research and design. The program develops graduate-level engineers who have the ability to lead and sustain the future growth of the nuclear industry, to develop new concepts in reactor design, nuclear fuels and materials, and to develop non-traditional applications of nuclear energy.

Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering

Nuclear Engineering Master of Science students study advanced topics including nuclear fuel cycles, radiation shielding and reactor system analysis and design. Our students also conduct research that improves our ability to harness nuclear energy safely and efficiently.

Master of Engineering in Nuclear Engineering

Nuclear Engineering Master of Engineering is designed for professional students to study advanced topics and leverage their learning through hands-on reactor design and analysis projects. This is a non-thesis graduate degree program, ideal for practicing engineers.

More about graduate programs in Nuclear Engineering

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