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Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing

SCDOT Concrete Technician Certification

The SCDOT Concrete Technician Certification includes two separate certifications to qualify for working on SDCOT projects: SCDOT Concrete Technician - Batching Certification (Level 1) and the SCDOT Concrete Technician - Field Inspection Certification (Level 1 and 2).

Level 1

The SCDOT Concrete Technician - Batching Certification is designed for the Ready Mix Concrete Producer and others that wish to have the authority to fill out the 700.04 Forms at the batch plant and gain an understanding of the SCDOT requirements of concrete batching operations and the principles of SCDOT concrete mix design. 

Level 1 & 2

The SCDOT Concrete Technician - Field Inspection Certification is designed for the SCDOT employee, consultant firms, and testing laboratories that wish to have the ability to assist in concrete inspections on the actual construction projects for the Department and will cover the requirements from pre-placement to final acceptance of concrete structures under the SCDOT guidelines. Passing Level 1 is required for Level 2 certification.

ACI required for release of certification

SCDOT Certification is only valid with current ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician - Grade I certification, which is issued  by the American Concrete Institute (ACI). Although ACI Certification is not a pre-requisite to attend the SCDOT course, proof of ACI certification must be submitted to our offices no later than one year from successful completion of the course in order for us to release your SCDOT certification. Thereafter, ACI certification must be independently maintained to avoid possible suspension of your SCDOT Technician Certification. For American Concrete Institute (ACI) Technician Certification information and scheduling, please refer to or email Mary Baer. ACI certification cards may be emailed to Jamie Wurdinger or brought to class the day of.

Certification Renewals

Recertification is not treated any differently than initial certification. The submission of the registration form and experience form (completing Option 1 on the form) are still required.

As of June 1, 2005, the SCDOT Technician Certification Board has determined that the certification expiration dates for recertification obtained one year prior to the technician's original date of expiration will be issued from the original expiration date. For example, if a technician's certification expires April 2006, and that technician passes a recertification examination in April 2005, the certification will then be extended five years from the original expiration in April 2006 to April 2011. However, if the technician chooses to attend and pass a recertification examination in March 2005, the recertification will be valid from March 2005 to March 2010; in such a case, the technician passed the examination outside of the one-year window. If a technician does not pass a recertification examination prior to the original expiration date in April 2006, the certification will expire on the original expiration date. 


Class Dates, Registration & Payment Options

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.