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Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing

Representative Publications and Presentations

Publications & Refereed Conference Papers 

  • The College of Engineering and Computing published an article on upcoming work with NC State University on their NSF project, AERPAW (Aerial Experimentation Research Platform for Advanced Wireless). 
  • Prof. David W. Matolak published the journal article "A Survey of Air-to-Ground Propagation Channel Modeling for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles” in the IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, with lead author Wahab Khawaja of North Carolina State University (NCSU), Ismail Guvenc of NCSU, and Uwe-Carsten Fiebig and Nicolas Schneckenburger of the German Aerospace Center. August 2019
  • Prof. David W. Matolak published the journal article "Analysis of Non-Stationary 3D Air-to-Air Channels Using the Theory of Algebraic Curves” in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, with lead author Michael Walter of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), and co-authors Dimitry Shutin, Nicolas Schneckenburger, Thomas Wiedemann, and Armin Dammann, all of DLR. August 2019
  • I. Guvenc, F. Koohifar, S. Singh, M. L. Sichitiu, D. W. Matolak, “Detection, Tracking, and Interdiction for Amateur Drones,” IEEE Comm. Magazine, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 75-81, April 2018.
  • Q. Wang, D. W. Matolak, B. Ai, “Shadowing Characterization for 5 GHz Vehicle-to-Vehicle Channels,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Tech., vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 1855-1866, March 2018.
  • Khatun, H. Mehrpouyan, D. W. Matolak, “60 GHz Millimeter-Wave Pathloss Measurements in Boise Airport,” IEEE GlobalSIP, Anaheim, CA, 26-29 November 2018.
  • Guan, B. Ai, D. He, D. W. Matolak, Q. Wang, Z. Zhong, T. Kuerner, “Obstructed Vehicle-to-Vehicle Channel Modeling for Intelligent Vehicular Communications,” IEEE GlobalSIP, Anaheim, CA, 26-29 November 2018.
  • Walter, D. Shutin, A. Dammann, D. W. Matolak, “Modeling of Highly Non-Stationary Low Altitude Aircraft-to-Aircraft Channels,” IEEE MILCOM, Los Angeles, CA, 29-31 October 2018.
  • Jamal, D. W. Matolak, “PAPR Analysis for Dual-Polarization FBMC,” IEEE MILCOM, Los Angeles, CA, 29-31 October 2018.
  • S. Bithas, A. G. Kanatas, D. W. Matolak, “Shadowing-Based Antenna Selection for V2V Communications,” IEEE PIMRC, Bologna, Italy, 9-12 September 2018.
  • Jamal, D. W. Matolak, “Dual-Polarization OFDM-OQAM Wireless Communication System,” IEEE Fall Vehicular Tech. Conf., Chicago, IL, 27-29 August 2018.
  • Calvo-Ramirez, Z. Cui, C. Briso, K. Guan, D. W. Matolak, “UAV Air-Ground Channel Ray Tracing Simulation Validation,” IEEE/CIC Int. Conf. Communications in China, Beijing, China, 16-18 August 2018.
  • (Invited) D. W. Matolak, H. Jamal, “Aviation Multicarrier Communication System Performance in Several 5 GHz Band Air-Ground Channels,” IEEE Spring VTC, Porto, Portugal, 3-6 June 2018.
  • Amiri, H. Mehrpouyan, L. Fridman, R. K. Mallik, A. Nallanathan, D. W. Matolak, “A Machine Learning Approach for Power Allocation in HetNets Considering QoS,” IEEE ICC, Kansas City, MO, 20-24 May 2018.
  • Liu, D. W. Matolak, “Worst Month Tropospheric Attenuation Variability Analysis: ITU Model vs. Rain Gauge Data for Air-Satellite Links,” 11th IEEE Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves (GSMM), Boulder, CO, 22-24 May 2018.
  • Mohsen, D. W. Matolak, “Vegetation Attenuation for Several Evergreen Shrubs at 31 and 5 GHz,” 11th IEEE Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves (GSMM), Boulder, CO, 22-24 May 2018.
  • J. Liu, D. W. Matolak, “Modeling Millimeter WaveTropospheric Attenuations for UAS and Terrestrial Aviation Communications,” IEEE Wireless Telecomm. Sym., Phoenix, AZ, 18-20 April 2018.
  • Mohsen, D. W. Matolak, “31 GHz Path Loss Measurement and Modeling for Indoor/Outdoor Environments,” IEEE Wireless Telecomm. Sym., Phoenix, AZ, 18-20 April 2018.
  • (Invited) W. Rayess, D. W. Matolak, “Example Antenna and Link Performance for Wireless Network on Chip Applications,” EuCAP 2018, London, UK, 9-13 April 2018.
  • (Invited) D. W. Matolak, A. Smith, K. A. Shalkhauser, S. C. Bretmersky, “Initial Ku-Band Air-Ground Channel Measurement Results,” EuCAP 2018, London, UK, 9-13 April 2018.
  • Schneckenberger, T. Jost, U-C Fiebig, G. DelGaldo, D. W. Matolak, “Validation of the Geometry-based Stochastic Channel Model for the Air-Ground Channel,” EuCAP 2018, London, UK, 9-13 April 2018.
  • (Poster) M. Mohsen, D. W. Matolak, “31 GHz Vegetation Attenuation for Several Evergreen Shrubs,” NSF mmWave Research Coordination Network Workshop, Tucson, AZ, 18-19 January 2018.
  • Q. Wang, B. Ai, K. Guan, D. W. Matolak, R. He, Y. Li, B. Zhang, X. Zhou, “Ray-Based Statistical Propagation Modeling for Indoor Corridor Scenarios at 15 GHz,” Int. Journ. Antennas and Propagation (Hindawi), 2016.
  • R. Sun, D. W. Matolak, “Air-Ground Channel Characterization for Unmanned Aircraft Systems—Part II: Hilly & Mountainous Settings,” to appear, IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., 2016.
  • D. W. Matolak, R. Sun, “Air-Ground Channel Characterization for Unmanned Aircraft Systems—Part I: Methods, Measurements, and Results for Over-water Settings,” to appear, IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., 2016. 
  • K. Guan, B. Ai, A. Fricke, D. He, Z. Zhong, D. W. Matolak, T. Kuerner, “Excess Propagation Loss of Semiclosed Obstacles for Intelligent Transportation System,” to appear, IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transport. Systems, 2016.
  • K. Guan, B. Ai, A. Fricke, D. He, Z. Zhong, D. W. Matolak, T. Kuerner, “Excess Propagation Loss of Semi-Closed Obstacles for Inter/Intra-Device Communications in the Millimeter-Wave Range,” Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (Springer), online 13 February 2016.
  • L. Liu, D. W. Matolak, C. Tao, Y. Li, N. Ai, H. Chen, “Channel Capacity Investigation of a Linear Massive MIMO System using Spherical Wave Model in LOS Scenarios,” Science China: Information Sciences, February 2016. 

Non-Refereed Conferences & Workshops

  • D. W. Matolak,  Mohanad Mohsen, and Jinming Chen"Path Loss at 5 GHz and 31 GHz for Two Distinct Indoor Airport Settings," European Conference on Signal Processing, in A Coruna, Spain. September 2019
  • D. W. Matolak, I. Guvenc, H. Mehrpouyan, G. Carr, “Hyper-Spectral Communications, Networking & ATM: Progress and Perspectives,” AIAA/IEEE DASC, London, UK, 23-27 September 2018. 
  • Hosseini, D. W. Matolak, “Wide Band Channel Characterization for Low Altitude Unmanned Aerial System Communication using Software Defined Radios,” IEEE/AIAA Integrated Comm., Nav., & Surveill. Conf., Herndon, VA, 10-12 April 2018. 
  • Smith, D. W. Matolak, R. J. Kerczewski, “Narrow-band Propagation Statistics of Aeronautical Mobile-Ground Links in the L- and C-Bands,” IEEE/AIAA Integrated Comm., Nav., & Surveill. Conf., Herndon, VA, 10-12 April 2018.

Book Chapter

  • W. Matolak, “Wireless Channel Characterization for the 5 GHz Band Airport Surface Area,” in Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communication Systems; AeroMACS, B. Kamali, IEEE Press, 2018

Contribution to Standards

  • S. McDonough, D. W. Matolak, R. J. Kerczewski, M. Neale, “Proposed Study Group 3 Data Banks contribution—Wide-band statistics of aeronautical mobile-ground links,” International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Study Group 3, US Working Party 3M, Document no. USWP3M-01, 17 April 2018.
  1. D. W. Matolak, K. A. Remley, C. Holloway, C. Gentile, “Outdoor-to-Indoor Channel Dispersion and Power-Delay Profile Models for the 700-MHz and 4.9-GHz Bands,” IEEE Antennas & Propagation Letters, 2015.
  2. P. Liu, B. Ai, D. W. Matolak, R. Sun, Y. Li, “5 GHz Vehicle-to-Vehicle Channel Characterization for Example Overpass Channels,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., 2015.
  3. D. DiTomaso, A. Kodi, D. W. Matolak, S. Kaya, S. Laha, W. Rayess, “A-WiNoC: Adaptive Wireless Network-on-Chip Architecture for Chip Multiprocessors,” IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 3289-3302, December 2015.
  4. B. Zhang, Z. Zhong, R. He, K. Guan, X. Zhou, D. W. Matolak, “Experimental Characterization and Correlation Analysis of Indoor Channels at 15 GHz,” Int. Journ. of Antennas and Propagation, Article ID 601835, Volume 2015.
  5. D. W. Matolak, R. Sun, “Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Air-Ground Channel Characterization for Future Applications,” IEEE Vehicular Tech. Magazine (Special Issue on State of the Art in Propagation and Mobile Channel Modeling), vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 79-85, June 2015.
  6. R. Sun, D. W. Matolak, “Path Loss and Delay Spread for the Stairwell Channel at 5 GHz,” to appear, Int. Journ. of Communication Systems, (DOI: 10.1002/dac.2920) online January 2015.
  7. S. Laha, S. Kaya, D. W. Matolak, W. Rayess, D. DiTomaso, A. Kodi, “A New Frontier in Ultra-low Power Wireless Links: Network-on-Chip and Chip-to-Chip Interconnects,” IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 186-198, February 2015.
  8. (Invited Paper) D. W. Matolak, R. Sun, “Air-Ground Channel Measurements & Modeling for UAS,” IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 29, no. 11, pp. 30-35, November 2014.
  9. P. Karadimas, D. W. Matolak, “Generic Stochastic Modeling of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Wireless Channels,” Vehicular Communications Journal (Elsevier), vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 153-167, (DOI: 10.1016/j.vehcom.2014.08.001), October 2014.
  10. B. Ai., X. Cheng, T. Kuerner, Z. Zhong, K. Guan, R. He, L. Xiong, D. W. Matolak, D. Michelson, C. Briso-Rodriguez, “Challenges Toward Wireless Communications for High-Speed Railway,” IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 2143-2158, October 2014.
  11. D. W. Matolak, K. A. Remley, C. L. Holloway, C. Gentile, Q. Wu, Q. Zhang, “Peer-to-peer Urban Channel Characteristics for Two Public Safety Frequency Bands,” IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine, Special Section on Public Safety Communications, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 101-115, October 2014.
  12. (Invited Paper) D. W. Matolak, “Modeling the Vehicle-to-Vehicle Propagation Channel: A Review,” Radio Science, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 721-736, (DOI: 10.1002/2013RS005363), September 2014.
  13. P. Liu, D. W. Matolak, B. Ai, R. Sun, “Path Loss Modeling for V2V Communication on a Slope,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 2954-2958, July 2014.
  14. D. W. Matolak, C. L. Holloway, K. A. Remley, Q. Zhang, Q. Wu, “Large-Scale Site and Frequency Diversity in Urban Peer-to-Peer Channels for Six Public Safety Frequency Bands,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communication, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 2025-2033, April 2014.


  • Prof. David W. Matolak presented the paper “Chirp Spread Spectrum Signaling for Future Air-Ground Communications”at the IEEE MILCOM, Norfolk, VA, 12-14 November 2019. Co-author was Ph.D. student Nozhan Hosseini.  Dr. Matolak also served as the Vice-Chair of the conference’s Technical Program Committee.
  • Prof. David W. Matolak delivered the keynote presentation at the workshop entitled "Swarm Intelligence: Autonomous and Connected Unmanned Aircraft Systems,"at the IEEE Fall Vehicular Technology Conference, in Honolulu, HI. The keynote talk was entitled "From the Ground Up: Physical Layer and Reliability Considerations for Air-Ground and Air-Air Networking." Prof. Matolak also presented another paper at this conference, entitled "Path Loss Modeling and Ray-tracing Verification for 5/31/90 GHz Indoor Channels," co-authored by Ph.D. students Jinwen Liu, Mohanad Mohsen, and visiting student Jinming Chen.
  • Prof. David W. Matolak, along with post-doctoral research associate Dr. Hosseinali Jamal, and Ph.D. student Zeenat Afroze, presented results of Professor Matolak's research group at the 2nd annual NASA University Leadership Initiative meeting, in Boise, Idaho, at Boise State University--home to one of Prof. Matolak's co-investigators on the NASA project.
  • Invited Keynote Presentation at 13th International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles, "Nets4Cars/Nets4Trains/Nets4Aircraft/Nets4Spacecraft: 3D Air-X UAV Communications: Challenges and Channel Modeling," Madrid, Spain, May 17, 2018
  • Invited Panel Presentation at International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies: Propagation Challenges for Ultra Dense (& Other Demanding Future) Wireless Systems," Broomfield, Co, July 25, 2018 
  • TEDX Invited Talk: "Making Better Waves for Safer Flights", Columbia, SC, October 9, 2018
  • A. A. Nasir, H. Mehrpouyan, D. W. Matolak, S. Durrani, “Non-Coherent FSK: An Attractive Modulation Set for Millimeter-Wave Communications,” IEEE WCNC 2016, Doha, Qatar, 3-6 April 2016.
  • L. Liu, D. W. Matolak, C. Tao, Y. Lu, B. Ai, H. Chen “Geometry Based Large Scale Attenuation over Linear Massive MIMO Systems,” European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation (EuCAP), Davos, Switzerland, 10-15 April 2016.
  • H. Jamal, D. W. Matolak, “Channel Estimation in an Over-water Air-Ground Channel Using Low Complexity OFDM-OQAM Modulations,” Proc. IEEE CCNC 2016, Las Vegas, NV, 9-12 January 2016.
  • * D. W. Matolak, R. Sun, “Air-Ground Channel Characterization for Unmanned Aircraft Systems: the Near-Urban Environment,” Proc. MILCOM 2015, Tampa, FL, 26-28 October 2015.
  • * H. Jamal, D. W. Matolak, “Comparison of L-DACS and FBMC Performance in Over-Water Air-Ground Channels,” IEEE DASC, Prague, CZ, 13-17 Sep. 2015.
  • * R. Sun, D. W. Matolak, “Air-Ground Channel Characterization for Unmanned Aircraft Systems: the Mountainous Environment,” IEEE DASC, Prague, CZ, 13-17 Sep. 2015.
  1. A. Kodi, S. Kaya, D. W. Matolak, D. Ditomaso, W. Rayess, “Kilo-core Wireless Networks-on-Chips (NoCs) Architectures,” 2nd ACM International Conf. Nanoscale Computing & Communication, Boston, MA, 21-22 September 2015.
  2. L. Liu, D. W. Matolak, C. Tao, Y. Li, H. Chen, “Far Region Boundary Definition of Linear Massive MIMO Arrays,” IEEE Fall Vehicular Tech. Conf., Boston, MA, 6-9 September 2015.
  3. L. Liu, C. Tao, D. W. Matolak, Y. Lu, B. Ai, H. Chen, “Stationarity Investigation of a LOS Massive MIMO Channel in Stadium Scenarios,” IEEE Fall Vehicular Tech. Conf., Boston, MA, 6-9 September 2015.
  4. * (Invited Paper) D. W. Matolak, “Channel Characterization for Unmanned Aircraft Systems,” European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation (EuCAP), Lisbon, Portugal, 12-17 April 2015.
  5. * (Invited Paper) D. W. Matolak, R. Sun, P. Liu, “V2V Channel Characteristics and Models for 5 GHz Parking Garage Channels,” European Conf. on Antennas & Propagation (EuCAP), Lisbon, Portugal, 12-17 April 2015.
  6. * (Invited Paper) D. W. Matolak, “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Communications Challenges and Future Aerial Networking,” International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, Anaheim, CA, 16-19 February 2015.
  7. R. Sun, D. W. Matolak, “Over-Harbor Channel Modeling with Directional Ground Station Antennas for the Air-Ground Channel,” Proc. MILCOM 2014, Baltimore, MD, 6-8 October 2014.
  8. D. W. Matolak, R. Sun, “Antenna and Frequency Diversity in the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Bands for the Over Sea Setting,” Proc. IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, 5-9 October 2014.
  9. * D. W. Matolak, R. Sun, “Air-Ground Channel Characterization for Unmanned Aircraft Systems: the Hilly Suburban Environment,” IEEE Fall Veh. Tech. Conf., Vancouver, BC, Canada, 14-17 Sep. 2014.
  10. P. Liu, B. Ai, D. W. Matolak, R. Sun, Y. Li, “Shadow Fading Analysis for High-Speed Railway Station Channels,” URSI General Assembly, Beijing, China, 16-23 August 2014.
  11. * D. W. Matolak, “Stranded on an Island with Personal Communications Devices: Success of SOS Message Reception via Various Communication Modes,” ExtremeCom 2014, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, 11-16 August 2014.
  12. S. Laha, S. Kaya, A. Kodi, D. W. Matolak, “Voltage Control Characteristics of Nanoscale DG-MOSFET Oscillators,” IEEE WAMICON, Tampa, FL, 6 June 2014.
  13. P. Liu, B. Ai, D. W. Matolak, R. Sun, “V2V Path Loss Modeling for Example 5 GHz Overpass Channels,” IEEE Spring Veh. Tech. Conf., Seoul, Korea, 18-21 May 2014.
  14. Q. Zhang, D. W. Matolak, “Quantifying Performance of Duplexing, Multiplexing and Multiple Access in Mesh, Relay, and Ad-hoc Networks,” 23rd Wireless & Optical Communication Conference, Newark, NJ, 9-10 May 2014
  15. P. Liu, Bo Ai, D. W. Matolak, J. Ding, R. Sun, Yan Li, “Wave-Guide Effects in Urban Viaduct Propagation Channels for High-Speed Railway at 930 MHz,” Proc. EuCAP 2014, The Hague, Netherlands, 6-11 April 2014.
  16. X. Zheng, Y. Chen, D. W. Matolak, “Downlink ‘Feedback’ Channel Design for LTE Femtocell Inter-cell Interference Mitigation,” Proc. IEEE SoutheastCon, Lexington, KY, USA, 13-16 March 2014.
  17. *D. W. Matolak, R. Sun, “Initial Results for Air-Ground Channel Measurements & Modeling for Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Over Sea,” IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 1-8 March 2014.
  1. M. A. Sikder, D. DiTomaso, A. Kodi, D. W. Matolak, W. Rayess, “Exploring Wireless Technology for Off-Chip Memory Access,” to appear, IEEE 24th Symp. on High-Performance Interconnects (“HOTi”), Santa Clara, CA, 24-26 August 2016.
  2. H. Jamal, D. W. Matolak, “Multicarrier Air to Ground MIMO Communication System Performance,” to appear, IEEE Fall VTC, Montreal, Canada, September 2016.
  3. L. Liu, D. W. Matolak, C. tao, Y. Li, H. Chen, “The Benefits of Large-Scale Attenuation Over the Antenna Array in Massive MIMO Systems,” to appear, IEEE Fall VTC, Montreal, Canada, September 2016.
  4. H. Jamal, D. W. Matolak, “Performance of L-band Aeronautical Communication System Candidates in the Presence of Multiple DME Interferers,” to appear, AIAA/IEEE DASC, Sacramento, CA, 25-29 September 2016.
  5. W. Khawaja, I. Guvenc, D. W. Matolak, “UWB Channel Sounding and Modeling for UAV Air-to-Ground Propagation Channels,” to appear, IEEE Globecom, Washington, DC, 4-8 December 2016.
  6. D. W. Matolak, H. Jamal, R. Sun, “Spatial and Frequency Correlations in Two-Ray UAV SIMO Channels,” in review, IEEE Globecom, Washington, DC, 4-8 December 2016.
  7. D. W. Matolak, H. Jamal, “LDACS Performance in the Presence of DME Interference for UAV Communication Systems,” in preparation, IEEE Aerospace Conf., Big Sky, MT, 4-11 March 2017.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
