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National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition

Managing Your Listservs

The first time you want to post, read the archives, or access the list on the web, you'll be asked to create a password. After you're subscribed, you'll just log in with your email and password to take part in the listserv discussion.

To post a message to one of our Center's six listservs, you must be a subscriber to that list (click here to subscribe). Once you have subscribed, use the websites or email addresses below to post a message.

FYE-List (First-Year Experience)
To post, over email, to the FYE-List, address an email to 

FYA-List (First-Year Assessment)
To post, over email, to the FYA-List, address an email to   

GRAD-List (Graduate Year Experience)
To post, over email, to the GRAD-List, address an email to 

SOPH-List (Sophomore Year Experience)
To post, over email, to the SOPH-List, address an email to

SYE-List (Senior Year Experience)
To post, over email, to the SYE-List, address an email to 

TYE (Transfer Year Experience)
To post, over email, to the TYE-List, address an email to 

If you would rather get listserv messages only once a day, saved up and presented in one batch of messages, then you want the "digest" option. You can undo this option whenever you want.

Set it up online
You can change to DIGEST setting on your specific list:

Set it up by email
To set DIGEST by email, follow the steps below. The examples are for our FYE listserv. For other listservs, replace the letters "FYE" with the letters for the listserv for which you want to set DIGEST or NODIGEST.

The way you set DIGEST is as follows:

Send to: listserv@LISTSERV.SC.EDU 
Subject: set fye-list digest

The way you resume receiving messages as they are created, or set NODIGEST, is as follows:

Send to: listserv@LISTSERV.SC.EDU 
Subject: set fye-list nodigest

NOTE: There are no spaces in "nodigest." It is all one word. Change "FYE" to FYA, GRAD, SOPH, SYE, or TYE accordingly.

To change your current address online, go to your specific list: FYE, FYA, GRAD, SOPH, SYE, or TYE

To change address by email, send a message to the listserv administrator with your request at: 

Subject: listserv change address.

If you have difficulty accessing the listservs, please contact the listserv administrator at

If you will be out of the office for a while or just want to stop the listserv messages for a while, you can "set no mail."

The summer, in particular, is a time when some people are out of the office and set their mail server to send automatic out-of-office replies to all email. These out-of-office replies can present a listserv with extraneous messages not related to the content discussion. If you set your email software to generate out-of-office replies, please consider setting the various listservs to which you are subscribed to temporarily receive NO MAIL. Then, when you return, you can set them back to resume MAIL.

To set NO MAIL online:

  1. Click on the listservs link in the blue bar at the top of this page.
  2. Click on the listserv to which you subscribe.
  3. Click “join or leave the list (or change settings)”
  4. Click “login with your LISTSERV password” in the second paragraph at the top of the page. Don't worry if you don't yet have a password, you'll have the chance shortly.
    Note: Your computer may log you in automatically (meaning your name and email address appear at the top of the next page). If this happens, skip to step 6.
  5. If you already have a password, enter your name and password, and hit “login”. If you DO NOT have a password, click “Get a new LISTSERV password.” Fill in the information and submit. On the next screen, you should click “follow this link”. Once you've created a listserv password, complete the login process again.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the section labeled “Miscellaneous.” Place a check next to “mail delivery disabled” to temporarily stop receiving listserv emails.
    Click “Update Options”
  7. When you are ready to receive listserv emails again, simply uncheck that box, and click “Update Options”

To set NO MAIL by email:
The examples below are for our FYE listserv. For the others, replace the letters "FYE" with the letters for the listserv for which you want to set MAIL or NO MAIL.

When you are leaving the office, the way you set NO MAIL is as follows:

Send to: listserv@LISTSERV.SC.EDU 
Subject: set fye-list nomail

When you return, the way you resume MAIL is as follows:

Send to: listserv@LISTSERV.SC.EDU
Subject: set fye-list mail

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
