2025 Subscription Rates
*Please note: Effective January 1, 2025, the Journal will be offered online only. We will no longer be printing the Journal. The current issue (Volume 36 issue 2) is our final printed issue.
- Institutional: $140
- Individual: $45
Current Issue
Volume 36, Number 2
In this Issue
2022-23 Paul P. Fidler Grant Recipient: Investigating Trauma, Mental Health Well-Being, and Academic Success in First-Year HBCU Students Using Astin's Input-Environment-Output Model

The Forgotten Year: A Grounded Theory Analysis of Student Voices From the Junior Year in College
The Mindset Project in the First-Year Seminar: An Exploratory Study
Most Viewed Articles
Investigation of the Effect of First-Year Seminars on Student Success 33(2), 65-95.
The Thriving Campus: Creating an Environment in Which All Students Can Flourish 36(1), 9-25.
Academic First-Year Seminar: Four-Year Retention and Graduation for All First-Time Students and Students at Additional Risk 35(1), 111-127.
Challenge and Support for the 21st Century: A Mixed-Methods Study of College Student Success 28(2), 33-51.
Implementing Self-Regulated Learning To Improve Academic Self-Efficacy and Learning Persistence 36(1) 113-134.
Relationship of Online Summer Programming and Successful Transitions for First-Time College Students During (COVID)-19 36(1), 71-91.
College Adjustment for Rural Appalachian First-Year Students 36(1), 51-70.
Transitioning OUT: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Students' Concerns in the Senior Year 33(2), 9-27.
“A Community Built Just for Me”: Black Undergraduate Men Bridging Gaps to Community Cultural Wealth 32(1) 43-57.
Academic Self-Efficacy, Student Performance, and Well-Being in a First-Year Seminar 33(1), 99-119.
First-Generation College Student Achievement and the First-Year Seminar: A Quasi-Experimental Design 26(2), 51-67.