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National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition

About Our Listservs

Six National Resource Center listservs bring together more than 10,000 faculty, staff, administrators and practitioners to discuss transitions into and through college at the first-year, sophomore, transfer, senior and graduate cross-sections. Join one or all six today to engage in robust discussions of student transition-related issues.

The National Resource Center hosts six listservs designed to bring together a broad cross-section of faculty and academic administrators to discuss college transitions as well as interventions designed to maximize student success through those transitions. In addition to providing a venue for a community of educators to discuss student transition experiences, the listservs are also designed to inform subscribers about the work of the Center and the resources it makes available.

A listserv is an electronic bulletin board for posting messages and sharing information. Practically speaking, these are email-based communities for people who share similar interests—in this case, a shared interest in student transition-related issues. When email is addressed to a listserv, it is automatically broadcast to everyone on the list, giving you a way to have open discussions with dozens or even hundreds of people through email.

These listservs are an appropriate venue for posting inquiries and soliciting responses to questions about practices, resources, and strategies related to student transitions.

Our listservs are not intended for the promotion of any products, goods, services, or events that are not sponsored by the Center. Subscribers should, therefore, refrain from posting advertisements of products or services in which they have a direct or indirect financial interest. We invite you to spread the word about your service or product through our conference exhibitions and sponsorships. For more information about exhibiting at Center conferences, please reach out to our conference email at For information about sponsorship or questions about the Center listservs, please reach out to

We recommend you make listserv changes at the listserv's respective web page. Click your list: FYE, FYA, GRAD, SOPH, SYE, TYE.

However, if you prefer to make adjustments via email commands, please remember the following:

  • To send a message to our listserv, address it to FYE-list@LISTSERV.SC.EDU (or alternatively, TYE-list, SYE-list, FYA-list, SOPH-list, or GRAD-list).
  • The two email addresses you will use with our listservs are:
    This is THE address to which you post your messages to the listserv. All listserv subscribers will get messages posted to this address.
    This is the address through which you can communicate with National Resource Center staff to ask for help or to ask a question.

Messages to list vs. messages to individuals
Use the listserv to post or respond to messages that have a broad appeal to other list subscribers.

Try to avoid using the list for personal messages; otherwise, everybody on the list will get one more piece of unnecessary mail.

The REPLY button addresses your message to the entire list
To send your message to a specific person, you will need to retype that person's address in the TO field when you reply. Otherwise, your reply intended for a specific individual will go to the entire list instead.

When you hit the REPLY button, always check the TO field, to make sure your message is going to the right place. Some email software has small TO and FROM fields, so you cannot see all the addressees without checking further into the field. While you're at it, check the "CC" and "BC" fields on your reply to make sure they do not contain wrong information.

If you do receive a listserv message that was sent in error or has no meaning for you, or worse, is junk email (spam), try not to add to the confusion by responding to the message via the listserv. If you do respond to junk email asking that you be removed from the list, you run a 50/50 chance of only making it worse; in essence, your reply verifies for the spammer that there is a real person at that address. "Honorable spammers" will include some text at the bottom of their email telling you how to get off their list.

When you set your mail server to respond to all emails with an automatic reply (e.g., "I'm out of the office until ..."), every time an email is sent to you from the listserv, your email account will send your automatic reply to the entire subscriber list. If you set your email account to generate an automatic reply, please remember to first log off or temporarily stop listserv activity to avoid distributing your auto replies to the entire list. 

Once you push the SEND button, you can't get it back.

Be kind when writing email. People cannot see your facial expressions, so something you intended as humorous may not be received in kind.

Don't write in all capital letters, as this is perceived as "email shouting."

Don't send "too many" messages. Participate, but don't overwhelm your colleagues with long or multiple emails. 


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
