Championship Run: 2024 year in review
December 16, 2024
From a national championship and record research funding to a major engineering gift and a host of academic awards, 2024 was a banner year for USC.
December 16, 2024
From a national championship and record research funding to a major engineering gift and a host of academic awards, 2024 was a banner year for USC.
November 26, 2024, Kristine Hartvigsen
Charleston native Keith Heyward Jr. was a restless third-grader when he realized his career goal was to teach. He knew that young Black boys craved a teacher they could relate to. Today, the University of South Carolina alumnus teaches kindergarten at James Island Elementary School. He makes sure the youngsters who step into his classroom feel safe and empowered.
November 12, 2024, Brandon Pugh
The U.S. Department of Education has awarded USC one of its largest-ever grants — $35 million — for the College of Education's GEAR UP SC program to help disadvantaged students overcome barriers to college and career opportunities.
November 07, 2024, Katherine Progler
Military Times has ranked the University of South Carolina as the nation’s No. 7 “Best for Vets Colleges 2024,” making USC the top-ranked school in the Southeast.
October 31, 2024, Hannah Cambre
At USC, where one in five students identify as first-generation, the university is doing more than ever to help this important and growing population flourish with resources and support. We sat down with five first-gen students to learn more about their stories and the people and resources that have helped them thrive at USC.
September 24, 2024, Hannah Cambre
The Opportunity Scholars Program boasted its largest-ever enrollment of 33 students in a recent Maymester trip to Paris to explore African American history.
September 04, 2024, Carol J.G. Ward
The Centennial Celebration Concert joins more than 500 student musicians in the first of a series of events showcasing School of Music programs, students and faculty.
August 06, 2024, Kristine Hartvigsen
A summer in Bangladesh immersed young Emily Manetta in numerous languages, spurring the two decades of work on South Asian linguistics she brings to USC.
May 23, 2024, Megan Sexton
This fall will mark the 25th year of the Carolina LifeSong Initiative, a program started by Carolina Distinguished Professor of Music Scott Price that provides piano lessons and creative music-making experiences for students with autism and other disabilities.
April 19, 2024, Rebekah Friedman
The University of South Carolina unveiled a monument honoring the first Black students admitted since Reconstruction — Robert Anderson, Henrie Monteith Treadwell and James Solomon Jr. — whose enrollment six decades ago changed the course of university history.
April 02, 2024, Allen Wallace
Aaron Gaga was born in 1987 as an unwelcome refugee in Uganda, his parents having fled his native Rwanda because of conflict. Thirty years after the Rwandan genocide, he is now a graduate student in the University of South Carolina’s highly ranked Master of Sport and Entertainment Management program, pursuing his master's degree in an effort to advance his career and help his country continue to rebuild.
March 01, 2024, Communications and Marketing
With only a few short months until summer, it’s time for parents to find summer activities for their children. USC offers a wide variety of summer camps for all ages and all interests from music to soccer, dance and engineering.
February 21, 2024, Carol J.G. Ward
Building and understanding community has motivated Jackie Whitmore since he was captivated by his grandmother’s family stories during his childhood in Columbia, South Carolina. It led him to a career in social work and fueled a passion for African American history in his home state.
January 22, 2024, Hannah Cambre
The University of South Carolina is committing to providing more comprehensive support to its first-generation student population, including a First-Generation Center launching in August 2024, a living and learning community for first-gen students, and an expanding partnership with the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators.
January 09, 2024, Page Ivey
Two staff members have been recognized for their social justice efforts on campus and in the larger community as 2024 Social Justice Award winners. The University of South Carolina created the Social Justice Awards to recognize individuals who have exemplified the philosophies of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. through acts of community service, social justice or racial reconciliation.