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School of Medicine Greenville

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Student Research Spotlight

Meet some USC School of Medicine Greenville students who engage in research with real-world applications. See how you can make a difference for patients and health care providers as a medical school student.

SOMG Student Kyleigh Connolly

Kyleigh Connolly, Class of 2023

Kyleigh is a fourth-year medical student from Newark, New Jersey. Kyleigh’s research focuses on evaluating burnout, stress and fatigue in EMS providers, with the goal of developing educational materials and countermeasures that are personalized to these providers.  Department: Biomedical Sciences; Mentor: Lauren Fowler, Ph.D.

SOMG Student Elias Wheibe

Elias Wheibe, Class of 2024

Elias is a third-year medical student from Damascus, Syria. Elias’s research focuses on characterizing mechanisms of the SARS-CoV virus.  Department: Biomedical Sciences; Mentor: Jennifer Grier, Ph.D.

SOMG Student Kayla Schilling

Kayla Schilling, Class of 2022

Kayla is a recent graduate from Jacksonville, Florida. Kayla discusses how her research helps to identify care gaps in the clinical setting and improve procedures, treatments and education for patients.  Department: Pediatric Neurosurgery; Mentor: Chris Troup, M.D.

UofSC SOMG student researcher Alex Warren

Alex Warren, Class of 2022

Alex is a recent graduate from Rock Hill, South Carolina. Alex discusses his enjoyment of real-world applications from the classroom to the world of medicine, and his research focuses on gastrointestinal granular cell tumors.  Department: Pathology; Mentor: Christine Schammel, Ph.D. 

UofSC SOMG student researcher Kurestin Miller

Kurestin Miller, Class of 2022

Kurestin is a recent graduate from Rock Hill, South Carolina. Kurestin discusses the benefits of being involved in research and stepping outside of your comfort zone. Her research focuses on enhancing empathy in medical students.  Department: Biomedical Sciences; Mentor: Ann Blair Kennedy, LMT, BCTMB, DrPH

UofSC SOMG student researcher Corbin Morris

Corbin Morris, Class of 2023

Corbin is a fourth-year medical student from Spartanburg, South Carolina. Corbin discusses his role in the evaluation of molecular prognostic platforms for melanoma and how this research will benefit both current and future melanoma patients.  Departments: Pathology, Surgical Oncology; Mentors: Christine Schammel, Ph.D. and and Steven Trocha, M.D. 

UofSC SOMG student researcher Francesca Simeone

Francesca Simeone, Class of 2021

Francesca is a recent graduate from Boston, Massachusetts. She is currently researching diagnostic and therapeutic management of musculoskeletal infections in pediatric patients.  Department: Orthopaedic Surgery; Mentor: David Lazarus, M.D.

UofSC SOMG student researcher Tristan Mackey

Tristan Mackey, Class of 2022

Tristan Mackie is a recent graduate from Heath Springs, South Carolina. He is currently researching the utility of the ventriculogallbladder shunt in pediatric hydrocephalus: long-term outcomes and complications.  Department: Pediatric Neurosurgery; Mentor: Chris Troup, M.D.

UofSC SOMG student researcher Victoria Dillard

Victoria Dillard, Class of 2021

Victoria Dillard is a recent graduate from Dallas, Texas. She is currently researching attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of religiosity, spirituality, and cultural competence in the medical profession.  Department: Biomedical Sciences; Mentor: Ann Blair Kennedy LMT, BCTMB, DrPH 

UofSC SOMG Student Jessica Edenfiled

Jessica Edenfield, Class of 2021

Jessica Edenfield is a recent graduate and native of Greenville, South Carolina. She is currently researching factors influencing discharge location following ischemic stroke.  Department: Pathology; Mentor: Christine Schammel, Ph.D., director, clinical research   



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