Student Chapters
Any SC ASM member may establish a student and/or postdoctoral chapter within the geographical
territory of SC ASM. The faculty advisor must be in good standing with both SC ASM
and ASM member and submit the chapter constitution to the SC ASM Vice-President (President-Elect)
and ASM Young Ambassador of Science to South Carolina for approval. Constitutions
must be patterned upon and not in conflict with the SC ASM Constitution. Following
approval, chapters are reported to the ASM Board of Directors.
University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville Student Chapter of ASM
- University: University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville
- Faculty Advisor: Steven Fiester
- Student President: Rhea Mathew
- Chapter Constitution [PDF]
Upstate of SC Chapter of ASM
- University: Furman University and the University of South Carolina Upstate
- Faculty Advisor: Ginny Webb and Min-Ken Liao
- Student President: Tina Fadel
- Chapter Constitution [PDF]
Clemson University Microbiology Club