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National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition

Submission Guidelines

About the Publication

Insights for College Transitions, or “Insights,” is a resource that emphasizes evidence-based strategies for practitioner-scholars who support first-year students and students in transition inside and outside the classroom.

The publication, formerly known as e-Source for College Transitions, reflects the changing landscape of higher education and practitioner needs. Past editions of e-Source are found in the e-Source archives.

Publication Timeline

The publication is published once in fall and spring.

Submission Guidelines

Now accepting article submissions for the fall 2025 issue. Deadline to submit is May 1, 2025.

  • Email article in a Microsoft word document to Insights Editor Annie Kelly, EdD at
  • Please submit article, including pictures, tables, and/or images within APA guidelines (7th edition) 
  • Suggested article length is 500-1200 words
  • In the email submission, please indicate the article section for consideration:
    • Making the Case: Revisiting the Why | This section is an op ed opportunity for practitioner-scholars to make a compelling case for a particular “hot topic” issue. Examples include, but not limited to: Integrating peer leaders within courses, AI in the first-year, purpose of community building, faculty development training, etc. 
    • Featured Program | The featured program section highlights an exemplarily program related to supporting first-year students and/or students in transition. The program should demonstrate effectiveness and achieve programmatic goals. Program context, outcomes, impact, and assessment are addressed. Examples of programs include, but not limited to, first-year seminar, learning community, peer leader program, academic advising, retention initiative, etc.
    • First-Year Seminar Pedagogical Practices | Within this section, practitioner-scholars submit first-year seminar pedagogical practices readers can immediately apply to their teaching or facilitation. Pedagogical practices must demonstrate effectiveness and achieve learning goals. Examples include, but not limited to: A learning activity, community builder(s), formal/informal teaching assessments, assignment examples, etc.
    • Research, Assessment, and Evaluation | This section provides an opportunity for practitioner-scholars to submit related programmatic assessment, evaluation, or small-scale research.

Fall 2025 Article Submission Timeline

  • Deadline to submit articles for consideration is May 1, 2025.
  • Upon submitting your article, please allow 3-5 business days to confirm receipt.
  • The editor will contact submission authors on the article status by/on Friday, June 6, 2025.
  • Revisions (if applicable) are ongoing through summer 2025.
  • Articles must be finalized August 1, 2025.

Thank you for considering submitting your critical work to Insights! If you have further questions, please contact Insights Editor Annie Kelly, EdD at

The next volume of the recalibrated publication is planned for release fall 2024. Please subscribe and be the first to receive the newest issue! Subscription is free.  


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
