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Exterior of the College of Nursing's satellite clinical education building on the Lexington Medical Center campus

USC and Lexington Medical Center open innovative facility to train nurses

August 12, 2024, Gregory Hardy

The University of South Carolina and Lexington Medical Center opened a new 52,000 square foot facility to train the next generation of nurses Monday (Aug. 12). Located on Lexington Medical Center’s West Columbia campus, the satellite clinical education building will be used primarily for the clinical training of the College of Nursing's third- and fourth-year nursing bachelor’s students as well as master’s program students.

A very close shot of a USC nursing student with her hand on her stethescope.

Prisma Health makes key investment in SC nurses

April 20, 2023, Page Ivey

To combat South Carolina’s nursing shortage in the next few years will take a team effort, involving health care companies as well as universities who train the essential health care workers. Prisma Health is providing $5 million to five South Carolina schools, including USC Columbia and USC Upstate, which will receive $1.3 million each. The program also helps the next generation of South Carolina nurses understand their roles within a larger health care system.

artist rendering of new UofSC nursing facility at Lexington Medical Center

UofSC, Lexington Medical Center enter new partnership

July 05, 2022, Kyndel Lee

The University of South Carolina College of Nursing and Lexington Medical Center have partnered to build a state-of-the-art nursing simulation lab and teaching space to provide clinical training for UofSC’s growing nursing student population.

Maxcy monument

UofSC sets new bar in U.S. News graduate school rankings

March 11, 2019, Jeff Stensland

The new U.S. News & World Report’s Best Graduate Schools publication released Tuesday (March 12) shows South Carolina now has 53 unique nationally ranked graduate programs—more than twice as many as any other school in the state.

UofSC faculty experts list on the opioid epidemic

August 17, 2017, Peggy Binette

The United States is battling an opioid epidemic. Americans now consume most of the world’s supply of opioids, with drug overdose being the leading cause of death for Americans under age 50. To help journalists to report on this public health crisis, the University of South Carolina has compiled a list of faculty experts.