College of Nursing
Faculty and Staff
Abbas S. Tavakoli, DrPH, MPH, ME
Title: | Professor |
Department: | Advanced Professional Nursing Practice & Leadership College of Nursing |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-777-2978 |
Fax: | 803-777-5935 |
Office: |
College of Nursing |

Dr. Tavakoli received a Bachelor of Science in Animal Husbandry from Tehran University, Tehran, Iran 1985, a Master of Public Health in Biostatistics at the University of South Carolina in 1989, a Doctor of Public Health in Biostatistics at the University of South Carolina in 1998, and a Master of Engineering in Computer Engineering at the University of South Carolina in 2003.
Dr Tavakoli teaches statistics courses for USC College of Nursing Graduate programs. He has taught Bios700 (introduction to Biostatistics) and Bios710 (Effective Data management in Public Health) for graduate students in the School of Public Health. Dr. Tavakoli also teaches UNIV 101 (Student in University) for freshman students at the University.
Dr. Tavakoli has been involved with many research projects and manuscripts during his tenure at the College. His research interests are health related topics and he has considerable experience in data management, linear modeling, logistic regression, and experimental design.
Research Studies (Selected)
Validating Triage for Chemical Mass Casualty Incidents-A first Step. NIH/NHLB - $2,621,902. 7/01/2014-06/30/2018. Biostatistician.
Telemental Health Connect (TeleCon): Expanding Collaboration and Comprehensive Service Penetration - $400,000, 11/14/2016-11/13/2018. Biostatistician.
Community-Generated Palliative Care Telemedicine for Rural Black and White Elders $405,070, 08/07/2014-09/07/2016, Co- Investigator.
Behavioral Health Care for Substance Use and Psychological Problems in Army Warrior Transition Units NIH/KO1 - $200,000 1/01/2014-01/01/2018. Biostatistician.
Sub-award: Increasing Engagement and Empowerment of Nurses as they ASCEN (Advancement System for Clinical Excellence and Nursing Development Model) $55,813, 08/15/2014-08/14/2016, Biostatistician.
Examining Relationships between Primary Caregivers’ Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Score and Type of Child Abuse Allegations in the Family $3,000, 07/01/2014-4/31/2015, Co- Investigator.
Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence Among HIV+ Women $3,000, 01/01/2014-12/31/2014, Co-Investigator.
A Social Ecological Based Smoking Cessation Intervention in Public Housing. NIH/NHLB - $392,953. 1/01/2013-12/31/2013. Data Manager.
Intimate Partner Violence-Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Abused Women. USC Office of the Provost Clinical Incentive Pilot Grant Program - $15,000. 05/16/2012-05/15/2013. Co- Investigator.
Completed Research Support (Selected)
Social Support for Mothers of Mentally Ill Children. NIH/NINR - $758,295. 9/2004-8/2007. Data Manager.
Telephone Peer Counseling for Rural Women with HIV. NIH/NINR - $2,194,322. 04/01/03-03/31/08, Data Manager.
HIV+ Women: Decisions Decreasing Perinatal Transmission. NIH. 9/15/97-7/31/00. Data Manager.
Dietary Education for Rural, Black Persons with Diabetes. NIH. 6/1/01-5/31/03. Statistician.
MUSC Subaward/Duke Endowment. SC Office for Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning - $625,143. 11/04/2008-11/30/2012 (Extended One Year). Statistician.
Examination of Prenatal Care of HIV+ Pregnant Women. USC Office of the Provost Clinical Incentive Pilot Grant Program - $5,032. 05/16/2012-05/15/2013. Co-Investigator.
Mass Casualty Triage Validation Study. NLM - $320,850. 07/01/2010-07/31/2012 Statistician.
Professional Practice
- Southeastern SAS Group (SESUG) Executive Council Member
- Academic Section Chair SESUG 2104
- SESUG Section Chair
- SAS Global Forum, Lead Room Coordinator
Professional Service
- Southeastern SAS Group (SESUG) Executive Council Member
- Academic Section Chair SESUG 2014
- SESUG Section Chair
- SAS Global Forum, Lead Room Coordinator
Publications (Selected)
Srikan, P., Callen, B., Phillips, K.D., Tavakoli, A., Brockett, R.G., Hanucharurnkul, S., & Beebe, L.H., (2017). Sodium reduction in hypertensive older Thai adults. Journal of Nutrition in gerontology and Geriatrics: Jan 20:1-15. doi: 10.1080/21551197.2016.1274278.
Tavakoli, A., Culley, J., Richter, J., Donevant, S., & Craig, J. (2017). Using Macro in SAS® to Calculate Kappa and 95% CI for Several Pairs of Nurses of Chemical Triage, SAS Global Forum, April 2-5, Orlando FL. Retrieved From:
Culley, J., Richter, J., Donevant, S., Tavakoli, A., Craig, J., & DiNardi, S. R., (2017). Validating Signs and Symptoms from an Actual Mass Casualty Incident to Characterize An Irritant Gas Syndrome Agent (IGSA) Exposure: A First Step in The Development of A Novel IGSA Triage Algorithm. Journal of Emergency Nursing:JEN-D-16-00118R1.
Wooten, N. R., Tavakoli, A. S., Al-Barwani, M. B., *Thomas, N. A., Chakraborty, H., Scheyett, A. M., *Kaminski, K. M., *Woods, A. C., & Levkoff, S. M. (2017). Comparing behavioral health models for reducing risky drinking among older veterans. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. DOI:10.1080/00952990.2017.1286499.
Giovannetti, M., Burgess, S., McDonnell, K. K., Tavakoli, A. S., & Barnhill, S., (2017). Tuberculosis Screening of New Healthcare Workers Utilizing an Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA): Quality Improvement in Screening Time, Onboarding Time and Compliance, Journal; of Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare (AOHP). Vol,37, No2.
Tavakoli, A., & Worthy, K., (2016). Using SAS® to Examine Relationships among Leadership Styles of College of Nursing Deans and Faculty Job Satisfaction Levels in Research Intensive Institutions, South Eastern SAS User Group (SESUG) October 16-18, Bethesda, MD. Retrieved From:
Tavakoli, A., Wooten, N. R., & Brittingham, J. (2016). Using GENMOD to Analyze Correlated Data on Military Health System Beneficiaries Receiving Behavioral Health Care in South Carolina Health Care Systems. SAS Global Forum, April 18-21. Las Vegas, NV. From: DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.1859.1607.
McKinney, T. H., Tavakoli, A., Herman, J. (2016). PSYCONNECT: Constructing Layered Engagement for Optimal Learning in Clinical Education, Nursing Education, #JNE-2016-015 Version 2.
Tavakoli, A. & Worthy, K., (2016). Using SAS® to Examine Relationships among Leadership Styles of College of Nursing Deans and Faculty Job Satisfaction Levels in Research Intensive Institutions, South Eastern SAS User Group (SESUG) October 16-18, Bethesda, MD.
Tavakoli, A., Chappell, k. K., & Dejardins, S. (2016). Using SAS® to Examining the relationship between primary caregivers' Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) and Child Abuse Allegations, South Eastern SAS User Group (SESUG) October 16-18, Bethesda, MD.
Tavakoli, A. & Boyd, Mary (2015). Using SAS to Examine Health-Promoting Life Style Activities of Upper Division Nursing Students at one of the major University in South Eastern Southeastern SAS User Group (SESUG) September 27-29, Savanah GA. Retrieved From: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1424.5849.
Tavakoli, A., Custer, S. S., & Ni, M. K., (2015). Using SAS to Examine Health Effects of Intimate Partner Violence among HIV+ Women. SAS User Group (SESUG) September 27-29, Savanah GA. Retrieved From: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2735.3043.
Heiney, S. P., Reavis, K., Tavakoli, A. S., Adams, S. A., Hayne, P. D., Weinrich, S. P. (2015). The impact of STORY on depression and fatigue in African-American women with breast cancer. The Journal of the National Black Nurses Association, 26(1), 1-
Tavakoli, A., Wooten, N. R., Al-Barwani, M. B., McKinney, S. H., & Levkoff, S. E. (2015). Using GLIMMIX and GENMOD procedures to analyze longitudinal data from a Department of Veterans Affairs multisite randomized controlled trial. SAS Global Forum. April 26-28. Dallas, TX.
Niederhauser, V., Johnson M., & Tavakoli, A., (2015). Vaccines4kids: Assessing the Impact of Test Message Reminders on Immunization Rates Infants. Vaccine. Retrieved from:
Frazier, B., Culley, J., Hein, L. Williams, A., & Tavakoli, A., (2014). Social Networking Policies in Nursing Education. Computer Informatics Nursing. 32(3):110-7. DOI: 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000030. PMID: 24406310.
Tavakoli, A., & Heiney, S., (2014). Using SAS to Examine Mediator, Direct and indirect effects of Isolation and Fear on Social Support Using Baron and Kenny and a Bootstrapping Method, South Eastern SAS User Group (SESUG). October 19-21, Myrtle Beach, SC. Retrieved from:
Tavakoli, A. (2014). Overview of Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Using GLM in SAS. South Eastern SAS User Group (SESUG) October 19-21. Myrtle Beach, SC. Retrieved from:
Go, I. & Tavakoli, A. (2014). PROC MEANS for Disaggregating Statistics in SAS: One Input Data Set and One Output Data Set with Everything You Need. South Eastern SAS User Group (SESUG). October 19-21. Myrtle Beach, SC. Retrieved from:
Gheibi, E., Gassman S., & Tavakoli, A., (2014). Using Regression Model to Predict Earthquake Magnitude and Ground Acceleration at South Carolina Coastal Plain (SCCP). South Eastern SAS User Group (SESUG). October 19-21. Myrtle Beach, SC. Retrieved from:
Tavakoli, A., Culley, J., Craig, J, & Svendsen, E. (2013). Using SAS ® to Create Code for Current Triage Systems during Chemical Incidents. SAS Global Forum. April 28-May 1. San Francisco CA. Retrieved from:
Tavakoli, A., & Heiney, S., (2013). Examining Mediator and indirect effects of Loneliness in Social Support on Social Well-Being Using Baron and Kenny and a Bootstrapping Method. SAS Global Forum. April 28-May 1. San Francisco CA. Retrieved from:
Tavakoli, A., Culley, J., Hein, L., Frazier, B., & Williams, A., (2013). Using SAS to Examine Social Networking Difference between Faculty and Students. Southeast SAS Users Group (SESUG) Conference in St. Pete Beach, FL. October 20-23.
Go, I. & Tavakoli, A., (2013). Getting Out of the PROC PRINT Comfort Zone to Start Using PROC REPORT. Southeast SAS Users Group (SESUG) Conference in St. Pete Beach, FL, October 20-23.
Srinivasa, M., Blair, S., & Tavakoli, A., (2013). Role of Fibrinogen, HDL cholesterol and cardio respiratory fitness in predicting mortality due to cardio-vascular disease: results from the aerobics center longitudinal study. Southeast SAS Users Group (SESUG) Conference in St. Pete Beach, FL, October 20-23.
Huynh, N., Snyder, R., Vidal, J., Tavakoli, A., & Cai, B. (2012). Application of Computer Simulation Modeling to Medication Administration Process Redesign. Journal of HealthCare Engineering, 3:4.
Tavakoli, A., & Walker, R. (2012). Using Macros to Simplify and Calculate Multi-Rater Observation Agreement. Southeast SAS Users Group (SESUG) Conference. Raleigh/Durham, NC, October 14-16, 2012.
Tavakoli, A., & Heiney, S., (2012). Compare MIXED and GLMMIX to Analyze Breast Cancer Longitudinal Study. Podium presentation, 2012 Southeast SAS Users Group (SESUG) Conference. Raleigh/Durham, NC, October 14-16.
Huynh, N., Snyder, R., Vidal, J., Tavakoli, A., & Cai, B. (2012). Application of Computer Simulation Modeling to Medication Administration Process Redesign. Journal of HealthCare Engineering, 3:4.
Kim, J., Park, J., Foster, R., & Tavakoli, A. (2012). Psychometric validation of Emotional Reaction Instrument-English to measure American children’s emotional responses to hospitalization. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Advance online publication doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2012.04274.x.
Sutton, L., Baker, F., Faile, N., & Tavakoli, A. (2012). The Use of Warmed Cotton Blankets on Patients Following Surgery: A Safe Practice for Promoting Patient Comfort. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing. Vol 27, No 3 (June), 2012: pp 181-192.
Tavakoli, A., Cai, B., Snyder, R, & Huynh, N. (2012). Calculating Multi-Rater Observation Agreement in Health Care Research Using the SAS ® Kappa Statistic. SAS Global Forum. April 21-25, Orlando, FL.
Beebe, L.H, Smith, K., Burk, R., Velligan, D., Tavakoli, A., & Carol, R. (2012). Motivational Intervention Increases Exercise in Schizophrenia and Co-occurring Substance Use Disorders Schizophrenia Research. The Americas Schizophrenia Research.
Snyder, R., Huynh, N., Cai, B., & Tavakoli, A. (2011). Medication Administration Process Evaluation: Tools and Techniques.Journal Healthcare Engineering. 2(4), 527-538.
Register, E., Herman, J., & Tavakoli, A. (2011). Development and Psychometric Testing of the Register - Connectedness Scale for Older Adults, Research in Nursing & Health, 34, 60-72.
Tavakoli, A., Scharer, K., & Hussey, J. (2011). Compare imputation and no imputation to examine mediator and moderator effect for social support of mothers of mentally ill children. SAS Global Forum. April 2-7, Las Vegas, NV.
Vyavaharkar, M., Moneyham, L., Corwin, S., Saunders, R., Annang, L., & Tavakoli, A. (2011). Relationships among HIV-disclosure, social support, and depression in HIV-infected African-American women living in the rural Southeastern United States. AIDS and Prevention. 23(1), 78-90.
Phillips, K., Moneyham, L., & Tavakoli, A. (2011). Development of an Instrument to Measure Internalized Stigma of HIV/AIDS.Issues in Mental Health Nursing.
Vyavaharkar, M., Moneyham, L., Corwin, S., Saunders, R., Annang, L., & Tavakoli, A. (2011). Relationships among HIV-disclosure, social support, and depression in HIV-infected African-American women living in the rural Southeastern United States. AIDS and Prevention. 23 (1), 78-90.
Vyavaharkar, M., Moneyham, L., Murdaugh, C., & Tavakoli, A. (2011). Factors associated with quality of life among rural women with HIV disease. AIDS and Behavior. 16:295-303.
Davis, S., Mackey, M. & Tavkoli, A. (2010). Factors Related to Health-Promoting Behaviors of Black and White College Women.Journal of American College Health.
Vyavaharkar, M., Moneyham, L., Tavakoli, A., Phillips, K., Jackson, K., & Meding, G. (2010) Relationships Between Stigma, Social Support, and Depression in HIV-Infected African American Women Living in Rural Areas of the Southeastern United States. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, April 21, 144-152.
Beebe, L.H, Smith, K., Burk, R., Dessieux, O., Velligan, D., Tavakoli, A., & Tennison, C. (2010). Effect of a motivating group intervention on exercise self-efficacy and outcome expectations for exercise in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, Vol16, No2, 105-113.
Tavakoli, A., Register, E., & Herman, J. (2010). Using SAS to Examine Missing Data in Psychometric Research. South East SAS User Group Annual Conference. Sept 26-28, Savannah, GA.
Scharer, K., Colon, E. Moneyham, L., Hussey, J., Tavakoli, A., & Shugart, M. (2009). A Comparison of Two Types of Social Support for Mothers of Mentally Ill Children. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, Vol22, No. 2, 86-98.
Tavakoli, A., Jackson, K., & Moneyham, L. (2009). Examining Mediator and Moderator effect using Rural Women HIV Study.SAS Global Forum. March 21-25, Washington DC.
Tavakoli, A., Scharer, K., & Hussey, J. (2009). Using SAS to explain mediator and moderator effect for social support of mothers of mentally ill children. South East SAS User Group Annual Conference. Oct 24-27,Birmingham, AL.
Beebe, L.H., Burk, R., McIntyre, K., Smith, K., Velligan, D.I., Resnick, R., Tavakoli, A., Tennison, C., & Dessieux, O. (2009). Motivating persons with schizophrenia spectrum disorders to exercise: Rationale and design. Clinical Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses, 7, 111-116.
Tavakoli, A., Jackson, K., Moneyham, L.,& Murdaugh, C., Phillips (2008). Using SAS to analyze Longitudinal study. SouthEast SAS User Group Annual Conference. Oct 19-23, St Pete Beach, FL.
Mackey, M., Hunt, T., & Tavakoli, A. (2008).Factor Related to Smoking in College Students. Journal of Nursing Community,25:106-121.
Foster-Cox, M., Fasolino, T., & Tavakoli, A. (2008). Factor Analysis and Psychometric Properties of Mother-Adolescent Communication Instrument for Sexual Risk Behavior. Journal of Nursing Measurement.
Vyavaharkar, M., Moneyham, L., Tavakoli, A., Phillips, K., Jackson, K., & Meding, G. (2007). Social Support, Coping, and Medication Adherence among HIV-Positive Women with Depression Living in Rural Areas of the Southeastern United States.AIDS Patient Care and STD, 21(9):59-74.
Tavakoli, A., Jackson, K., Moneyham, L., Murdaugh, C., Phillips, K.D., & Meding, G. (2007). Data Managements Strategies. SouthEast SAS User Group Annual Conference. Nov 4-6, HiltonHead, SC .
Murdaugh, C., Moneyham, L., Phillips, K.D., Jackson, K., Tavakoli, A. (2006). Psychometric test of the chronic illness quality of the life ladder. Quality of Life Research, 15:777-789.
Tavakoli, A., Jackson, K., Moneyham, L., Murdaugh, C., Phillips, K.D., & Meding, G. (2006). Data Managements Plans: Stages, Components, and Activities. Application and Applied Mathematics: and International Journal (AAM), 1(2).
Moneyham, L., Murdaugh, C., Phillips, K.D., Jackson, K., Tavakoli, A., Boyd, M., Jackson, N., Vyavaharkar, M. (2005). Patterns of risk for depressive symptoms among HIV+ women in the southeastern United States. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 16(4), 25-38.
Boyd, M., Moneyham, L., Murdaugh, C., Phillips, K. D., Tavakoli, A., Jackson, K., Jackson, N., & Vyavaharkar, M. (2005). A peer-based substance abuse intervention for HIV+ rural women: A pilot study. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 19(1),10-17.
Phillips, K., Moneyham, L., Murdaugh, C., Boyd, M., Tavakoli, A., Jackson, K., & Vyavaharkar, M. (2005). Sleep Disturbance and Depression as Barriers to Adherence in low-income women living in the southeastern United Sates. Clinical Nursing Research, 14(3), 273-293.
Anderson-Loftin, Sullivan, P., Bunn, P., Tavakoli, A., Sullivan, p., & Hussey, J. (2005). Soul food light: Culturally competent dietary education. The diabetes educator, 31(4), 555-563.
Burgess, S. & Tavakoli, A. (2005). Psychometric assessment of the Burgess-Partner abuse scale for teens (B-Past). Aquichan in Colombia, 5(5), 96-107.
Hendricks, C., Servonsky, E.J., Bobadilla, R.V., Hendricks, D.L., & Tavakoli, A. (2005). Psychometric Testing of the Miller Hope Scale with Rural Southern Adolescents. The Journal of multicultural Nursing & Health, Vol. 11, No. 3.
Hendricks, C., Murdaugh, C., Servonsky, E.J., Bobadilla, R.V., Hendricks, D.L., & Tavakoli, A. (2005). The Influence of Father Absence on the Self-Esteem and Self-Reported Sexual Activity of Rural Southern Adolescents. The ABNF Journal, Vol. 16, No. 6, 124-131.
Goodman, P., Mackey, M.C., & Tavakoli, A. (2004). Factors Related to Child Birth Satisfaction. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 46(2), 212-219.
Phillips, K., Sowell, R., Rojas, M., Tavakoli, A., Fulk, L., & Hand, G. (2004). Physiological and Psychological Correlates of Fatigue in HIV Disease. Biological Research for Nursing, 6(1), July 2004.