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School of Medicine Greenville


The governance structure for the South Carolina Branch of the American Society for Microbiology (SC ASM) is outlined in the Constitution [PDF] for this Branch.  Briefly, the Officers for the SC ASM Branch include the President, Vice-President (President-Elect), Secretary-Treasurer, Councilor and Alternate-Councilor.  The Executive Committee consists of the aforementioned officers as well as the immediate past President and the Editor of the Branch Newsletter.  Other committees necessary to the mission of SC ASM are outlined in the by-laws of the SC ASM Constitution.  

ASM Ambassadors

ASM Young Ambassadors of Science are identified by the potential for leadership and their commitment to ASM and its mission. Young Ambassadors are imperative to build the membership of ASM and its branches, communicate national and regional issues to ASM, cultivate relationships with other societies, contribute to ASM and its branches’ programming and grow student chapters within their region.  ASM Young Ambassadors of Science represent ASM at the state-level to engage students and early-career scientists in their respect region of the United States. Young Ambassadors are nominated, and applications reviewed by ASM and respective regional branches of ASM.  If invited, Young Ambassadors may serve for up to three years.

ASM Young Ambassadors of Science to South Carolina:



The President shall chair and convene this group as necessary in order to discuss the business and issues related to activities of the Branch. 

 The President shall chair and convene a committee who will organize Branch meetings as necessary.  This committee shall select the site of the next meeting of the Branch. It shall be the duty of this committee to attend to all arrangements for the Branch meeting for which they have been appointed to serve.

The President shall chair and appoint a committee to organize the selection of the awardees for which the Branch is responsible. 

The Vice-President shall chair, and in concert with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Branch, maintain the Branch membership list and be responsible for recommending changes to the Branch dues structure. 

The immediate Past President shall convene a committee that will determine eligibility, solicit, and then nominate individuals for Branch elected offices, Branch awards, and any other Branch offices and/or activities requiring action.  The slate of candidates shall be submitted to the President and Secretary-Treasurer who will oversee the election and/or selection process.    


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.