Assessing the short-term career goals of first-year business students
Author(s): Gore, P. A., Jr., Metz, A. J., Alexander, C. S., Hitch, J. L., & Landry, J. C.
Citation: Gore, P. A., Jr., Metz, A. J., Alexander, C. S., Hitch, J. L., & Landry, J. C. (2004). Assessing the short-term career goals of first-year business students. Journal of The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition, 16(2), 67-84.
The present study was undertaken with first-year business students in an effort to describe their career development status and short-range career goals. Very little is currently known about the career development goals of first-year students in general or about the goals of students in specific disciplines. Such information is essential to developing career-related materials for use in first-year seminar courses.
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