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Tips for Mold Prevention

Below are a few strategies to keep in mind that will help prevent mold from growing in your room:

  • For rooms that have heating and ventilation control, set the thermostat between 68 – 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not turn the unit on a really cool or hot setting and then turn it off once it gets to the setting. Turning units off and on continually prevents proper air flow and stagnant air leads to odors and potential mold growth issues.
  • Do not block airflow from window unit air conditioners with furniture, clothing, etc.
  • Keep exterior doors closed as much as possible to keep any outside humidity from entering your space.
  • Air circulation helps prevent mold so please do not pack your closets and storage areas too tightly.
  • Keep all vents open and free of obstructions.
  • Avoid storing wet clothes/towels for extended periods of time as that will provide an environment conducive to mold growth. 
  • Keep your windows closed. Allowing outdoor humidity to directly enter a room enhances the chances for mold growth.
  • Good housekeeping practices (vacuum floors, wipe down counters, clean up spills quickly, washout out refrigerators).
  • Empty all trash and recycling regularly.
  • At least once a week, bathroom shower stalls, tubs, sinks, and floors should be scrubbed cleaned with cleanser and treated with a bathroom disinfectant. If you are living in an apartment or suite on campus, you are responsible for cleaning your own bathroom.  Traditional style bathrooms are cleaned daily Monday through Friday.
  • Remove plants from the area, wet soil/plants and/or containers, such as wicker baskets, introduce moisture in the air and promotes fungal growth.
  • Limiting hot showers to shorter periods of time to prevent excessive humidity and steam build up.
  • Store food in airtight containers.

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