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Residential Damages & Fees

Residents living in University Housing are responsible for the condition of their room or apartment.  Any damages that occurs throughout the year is the responsibility of the resident(s) that cause the damage or the tenants of the space.

Improper Check-Out


Custodial Charges

$20.54 per hour

$58.00 per hour (2 hour minimum)






$20.54 per bag




Maintenance Charges

$37.00 per hour

$95.00 per hour with a 2 hour minimum
























$202.80 **Cost increases $20 for each foot


$174.40  **Cost increases $20 for each foot

$130.60 per wall

$145.60 up to nine tears




Furniture Replacement Charges























Fire/Safety/IT Charges








HAZMAT Contractor Charges






*HAZMAT charges are added to Maintenance/Carpentry/Painting charges for any wall or ceiling damages in certain buildings located on campus (BH, BW, CAP, CH, ST)

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.