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RHA Hall Governments

Neighborhood Government is a governmental body within each neighborhood at the University of South Carolina. The government is intended to deliberate over, allocate for, and accommodate the means to improve upon residence halls and provide its residents with a transformative residential experience through programming and advocacy initiatives. 

Neighborhood government officers are voted in by the members of their neighborhood and the structure goes as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary, Eco Representative, and two to three Senators based on population needs. Neighborhood governments are overseen by hall advisors, typically the Residence Life Coordinators and Assistant Residence Life Coordinators of the neighborhoods.

The following list details the residence halls in each neighborhood.

  1. Barnwell - Capstone and Columbia Hall;
  2. Historic - DeSaussure, Harper/Elliot, Rutledge, Pinckney/Legare, Woodrow, Maxcy, Thornwell, Preston, and 820 Henderson;
  3. Bull - Women’s Quad, South Tower, and Patterson;
  4. Sumter - Honors and McBryde;
  5. Quads - Green Quad, East Quad, and South Quad;
  6. Bates - Bates House and Bates West;
  7. Blossom - 650 Lincoln, Park Place:
  8. Whaley - Campus Village

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