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RHA Committees

Conference Committee – Members of this committee shall assist the National Communications Coordinator in the writing and submitting of bids, as well as the completion of bid reviews. Prior to conferences, this committee is also tasked with the completion of spirit challenges, the creation of cheers, and the recruitment of delegates.

Advocacy Committee  This committee serves as an advocate for the on-campus residents of USC and promote initiatives across campus to promote diversity and inclusion, mental health awareness, sustainability, the concerns of the residents, and uphold the Carolina Creed of the University of South Carolina.

Constitutional Review Committee  This committee is tasked with reviewing the RHA constitution, creating necessary changes, and presenting said changes to the RHA senate to be voted on and implemented.

Sustainability Committee  The Sustainability committee shall oversee coordinating and constructing sustainability friendly practices, events, and initiatives in RHA. The committee will be chaired by the Chief Officer of Sustainability and composed of the EcoReps from each neighborhood government. The Sustainability committee is responsible for ensuring that all RHA planned events and initiatives are as sustainable as possible as well as improving sustainability in residence halls. The Sustainability Committee will meet at the discretion of the Chief Officer of Sustainability.

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