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Housing Community Watch

When vandalism hits a residence hall it affects everyone.  From our residents to our employees, vandalism can be prevented and it starts with you.  As a residential student you can do your part by watching out for vandalism and reporting it.  The consequences of vandalism affect everyone, do your part today.

Vandalism Affects Everyone

When students vandalize residence halls it affects your experience at Carolina.  From waiting for repairs to be made to community billing, vandalism is a major reasons costs rise yearly for housing on campus.  To date University Housing has spent thousands of dollars to repair vandalism in the halls.  In response to vandalism in the residence halls, University Housing has some important information for parents and students to be aware of:

  • In light of people coming forward, University Housing will begin community billing for vandalism when a responsible party is not found.  
  • Cameras in our residence halls help with finding people that commit vandalism, but we need your help.  If you see something or know of someone that has committed vandalism you should report it via the housing watch form.
  • Fees for vandalism are consistent with damage fees listed on the housing website.  However, there can be a greater cost.  Vandalism can result in a conduct hearing, restitution, and even charges with local police.
  • As a residential student you are responsible for yourself and any guests you bring into a residence hall.  Guests of residents that vandalize property are subject to conduct hearings and charges being filed with local authorities.  As a resident you could be held responsible for the actions of your guest including conduct and restitution to replace/repare property that is destroyed.  

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.