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  • Some of the Residence Hall Association executive board members tabling on the first day of class out on Greene Street on the University of South Carolina campus.

Residence Hall Association

What is RHA?

The Residence Hall Association is an organization that acts as the principal policymaking and government body for on-campus student residents. Through RHA, individual neighborhood governments are held in each neighborhood. In accordance with University Housing, RHA reigns over certain standards for governments and government officers, campus-wide residence hall programming and events, assessment of student activity fee levels for each residence hall government, and the allocation of activity fees.

Our Mission:

RHA is dedicated to improving the on-campus student experience, fostering a sense of community, and providing a support system for campus residents. Through programming initiatives both at the organizational and neighborhood level, we encourage bonding, creativity, and the making of life-long memories. The governing members of RHA act as advocates for residents to ensure their social, emotional, and physical wellbeing is upheld and voices are heard. Additionally, we aspire to develop strong leadership and collaborative skills in each member while cultivating a diverse environment.


RHA holds weekly senate meetings to discuss programming and advocacy initiatives. Meetings are administered by the RHA executive board. The president and two to three senators from each neighborhood government attend such meetings to present legislation, propose resolutions, and receive funding through a voting process.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.