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Weather Update: Columbia campus to open at noon Thursday, Jan. 23.

Environmental Health and Safety

Radiation Safety Training

Training is required before using some forms of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Training is also required for anyone that is not supervised by a trained person before they can be authorized to access areas posted with warning signs that restrict these areas where ionizing and/or non-ionizing radiation are utilized.

Radioactive Materials Training – “Caution – Radioactive Materials”

  • If you are not trained and enter any area posted with the words “Caution – Radioactive Material;” you must be always supervised by a trained lab occupant or the Principal Investigator.
  • If you require frequent access to these posted areas and may not be always supervised; you must request training from the Principal Investigator who will provide and document general awareness training.
  • If you will be working directly with radioactive material under the auspices of a Principal Investigator’s approved authorization by the University’s Radiation Safety Committee – please contact the Radiation Safety Office by emailing to request training.
  • If any questions, please contact Jennifer Roose; Assistant Radiation Safety Officer for Radioactive Materials, at 803-576-6818.

X-ray Training – areas posted with “Caution X-ray” (Analytical) or “Caution Radiation Area” (Health Professions)

  • All areas posted with the words “Caution – X-ray” require no training unless you are directly operating the analytical X-ray machine within this area.
  • If you have been asked to directly operate an analytical X-ray machine; you must receive radiation safety training and operator specific training for each machine. Contact the Radiation Safety Office to request training for each analytical X-ray unit you have been requested to operate.
    You must not enter any rooms posted with a “Caution – Radiation Area” sign containing human or veterinary diagnostic X-ray equipment unless directed to do so by the trained operator of the equipment.
  • If you have been asked to directly operate diagnostic X-ray machines for use in the health professions, either healing arts human diagnostic X-ray machines or veterinary X-ray machines; specific and detailed training and certifications are required. Depending on your level of present training and certifications; this process may be lengthy. Contact the Radiation Safety Office to inquire and begin the process.
  • To request X-ray training, email If any questions, please contact Allen Boyd, Assistant Radiation Safety Officer for Electronic Products, at 803-777-2841.

Lasers – areas posted with “Warning or Danger – Laser”

  • Do not enter any area posted with words stating “Warning or Danger – Laser” without authorization from the Principal Investigator or lab occupant working with the PI. If there is an electronic lighted sign, do not enter if the sign is lit without authorization.
  • If you have been asked to operate any laser that is stamped by the manufacturer as Class 3B or 4, or if you are using optical aids while utilizing a Class 1 or 2 laser in a research or teaching setting, training may be required before operation. Training varies depending on the controls in place and the specific operation. Training is commensurate with the requirements of the hazard evaluation that is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to complete.
  • To request or inquire about laser training, email If any questions, please contact Allen Boyd, Assistant Radiation Safety Officer for Electronic Products, at 803-777-2841.

Training Forms

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
