University policies for the use of radioactive material, X-rays and Class 3B and 4 lasers are in the Radiation Safety Manual [pdf].
These policies have been incorporated as commitments in the University’s Type A Broad Scope Radioactive Materials license and must be followed. These policies also ensure compliance with X-ray registration and regulatory compliance.
Though the end use of Class 3B and 4 lasers are not regulated in the State of South Carolina; the University’s Radiation Safety Committee has approved of these policies for lasers classed as 3B or 4 (lasers that can cause instantaneous injury to the eye and or skin). These policies follow the most recent guidelines as published by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in Z136.1 and Z-136.8 (American National Standard for the Safe Use of Lasers in Research, Development, or Testing).
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Regulations
Radioactive Materials Licensing and Compliance
X-Ray Regulations
Please contact the Radiation Safety Office staff at or 803-777-2841, should you have any questions regarding the safe use of ionizing and/or non-ionizing radiation on campus or involving the university.