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Staff Appreciation and Awards Day 2024

Photo of the Thomas Cooper Fountain

University of South Carolina staff are invited to the first Staff Appreciation and Awards Day on Tuesday, May 14. This day was established by a Staff Senate resolution and approved by the Board of Trustees and executive leadership.

“We look forward to our first Staff Appreciation Day as an opportunity to recognize the invaluable contributions of every staff member at USC,” says President Michael Amiridis. “This is a day to honor our university staff, who work hard every day to support USC, and to celebrate their spirit of collaboration and dedication, which makes us stronger.”

The day will include free food, prizes, music, special guests and more. Free parking will be available for attendees in Bull Street Garage.

“Staff Senate is thrilled to join so many campus partners in recognizing the tremendous talents and efforts our of dedicated staff. Our staff appreciation day is designed to honor and acknowledge the individuals at USC who work everyday to make our university and campus the best in the country," says Staff Senate President Tyson Lusk. "As a Senate, we take tremendous pride in bringing this event to fruition!”

All staffers are strongly encouraged to RSVP by March 28. 


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About Staff Senate

The University of South Carolina Staff Senate serves as an open forum to facilitate communication and collaboration among university staff members. It also serves as an advisory committee to the university president, adding an essential voice to strategic conversations and decisions that support the goals of the institution. Find your staff senator here.