The university never sleeps, but it does slow down a bit during the summer. With the start of the fall semester, here’s a reminder of some recent happenings that you might have missed, plus a heads up about some major upcoming events.
USC to admit top 10% of South Carolina students
Starting in fall 2024, all South Carolina students in the top 10 percent of their high school graduating class are guaranteed admission to the University of South Carolina. Applications for Fall 2024 admission are now open on the admissions website.
60th anniversary of desegregation
Sept. 11 marks the 60th anniversary of the desegregation of the USC. Campus and community members are invited to join university officials, Henrie Monteith Treadwell, and members of the families of Robert Anderson and James Solomon Jr. as the university commemorates the occasion with a groundbreaking for a monument in their honor.
Campus Village is open
The doors to USC’s new housing complex, Campus Village, are now open. Housing a total of 1,800 students, Campus Village is located in the south region of campus and is home to The Pavilion dining hall, living-learning communities, a Jimmy John’s sandwich shop, and a Starbucks. Campus Village is the largest construction project in the university’s history.
USC welcomes largest class ever
Classes have begun and USC has officially welcomed its largest class ever. With 7,344 new freshman enrolled for the fall semester and a total of 36,300 students, the university has been preparing with new parking spaces, additional shuttles, and new dining and housing options.
Gamecocks take over Charlotte
There are over 25,000 graduates living in the Charlotte area working for high-profile employers like the Carolina Panthers and in sectors such as business, banking, health care and more. As the Gamecocks prepared to travel to the city for the Sept. 2nd kickoff of the football season, we spoke to several amazing alumni who are turning Charlotte into Gamecock Nation.
Advancing the state with the South Carolina Internship Program
USC is developing South Carolina’s workforce and offering support to students with internships and co-ops in high demand industries in South Carolina. The South Carolina Internship program provides supplements of $3,000 for students who fill out an application and are selected. The program is one of many ways that USC is working to advance the state’s workforce.
Digital Studies Certificate
Another way USC is preparing students for an ever-evolving economy is with its digital studies certificate. The certificate allows students to develop skills from across the university, such as web design, database management, video production and more. The certificate aligns closely with in-demand jobs and can be completed without increasing a student’s time-to-degree.
State of the University
President Amiridis will give his first State of the University address since becoming USC’s president in 2022. Reflecting on past achievements and future celebrations, the event will be held at the Russell House ballroom at 4 p.m. Sept. 19. Space is be limited, so RSVP to attend.
South Caroliniana Library to reopen
The oldest standalone university library in the United States, South Caroliniana Library has been renovated and is set to reopen on Oct. 5. Designed by Charleston architect Robert Mills, who designed the Washington Monument and the Maxcy Monument, South Caroliniana is home to the university’s early library collections, including digital, moving image research, and political collections.
USC focuses research expertise on state's challenges
USC will invest $10 million over the next four years in five new research institutes. These institutes will address some of South Carolina’s biggest challenges in the areas of water quality, rural STEM education, cardiovascular disease and more. Faculty from seven different USC colleges will offer research expertise.