Whether it is your first or last time being advised, the key to successfully registering for classes is meeting with your advisor. Here are a few tips to plan your advising appointment and course schedule.
- Make an appointment with your advisor. Don't know who that is? Follow the steps at Find Your Advisor to find out.
- Prepare for your appointment by following the Pre-Advising Checklist. You can use Degree Works to track your progress and create a list of courses you need to satisfy your degree requirements.
- Review needed courses and ask any questions about registration holds and course restrictions as well as date and time for registering when you meet with your advisor.
- Use the new Class Search tool to see when your courses are being offered.
- Finally, plan your schedule and register for your classes using Schedule Planner.
Spring 2023 Course Registration
Undergraduate students with priority registration status will register beginning the
week of Nov. 7. General undergraduate registration begins the week of Nov. 14.