Attention Faculty: Fall 2021 textbook adoption

Attention Faculty Members:

The first day of Fall 2021 classes is eight weeks away.

  • Help reach the textbook and material adoption goal of 90% compliance by July 1.
  • The current adoption level is 69%.

COVID-19 aftereffects continue to strain shipping infrastructure and labor markets.  This will result in shipment delays as thousands of institutions of higher learning vie for texts at the same time and publishers' resources are strained.

Students will begin placing orders soon. Your textbook decisions will impact their ability to have materials in hand prior to the start of class.

Here's how to get started. Access the Adoptions and Insights portal using this link: Select the institution, and proceed. This will direct you to the UofSC Shibboleth Authentication page. Enter your credentials and begin placing adoptions for your individual classes currently in Blackboard.

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