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College of Nursing

The Lee Family: Setting the Example for Future Gamecock Generations

"Nurses are the “True Heroes” and the front line fighters that put their lives on hold every day in order to improve the lives of their patients and their loved ones. This has led myself and my family to strive to give back to the nursing community. We are proud to support the College of Nursing."


Gary Lee is a passionate advocate and generous donor, financially and with his time, of the College of Nursing. His career in the medical supply industry has provided him with a unique insight into nursing and the important role nurses play in the healthcare system.

The College of Nursing would like to thank the Lee family for the financial contribution they made during Give4Garnet. With help from the Lee family's gift, the college raised $44,778 to directly support student scholarships!

As a longtime supporter of the College of Nursing, why is the nursing field important to you?

Working closely with nurses inspired my family and I to give back to the nursing community. During my 35+ year career in the medical supply industry, I observed the crucial role nurses play in the healthcare system. It has been my pleasure to work with nurses and provide them with creative solutions to enhance patient care. 

By supporting the College of Nursing financially, we hope to lead by example and inspire others to support future nurses for generations to come. 

What positive changes have you seen at the College of Nursing during your involvement with the college?

 I have watched our programs strengthen, the caliber of teaching and clinical faculty increase, and the culture grow into the Gamecock Nursing Nation.  

I want to commend Dean Andrews for her esteemed leadership and visionary guidance in steering the College of Nursing to new heights. I'm incredibly proud of the college's recent accomplishments- top 1% NCLEX pass rates, #1 online graduate program, over 20M in grant funding in the past five years, and so much more.  

What would you like to accomplish while serving on the Dean's Executive Advisory Council? 

I'm very passionate about advocating for the new building vision. As a college of excellence, it's imperative to grow with the times and enhance the building's resources. 

What is special about UofSC that has kept your Gamecock spirit strong over the years? 

It was in my blood to become a Gamecock fan! My father went to the University of South Carolina law school on the GI Bill, and my mother was the head dietician at the VA Hospital in Columbia. It was an exciting day for the Lee family when my mother was recognized on the Carolina football field as a faithful and proud Gamecock fan. At my father's passing, we established a scholarship fund at the University of South Carolina School of Law.

My wife, my oldest daughter, and I have all graduated from the University. My youngest daughter was recently accepted into the Doctoral program at the UofSC College of Education. The entire family has supported and attended various events for the University over the past 60 years. 

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