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College of Nursing

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The Heart of a Gamecock Nurse: Brandi Hair

The Gamecock Nursing Nation is sewn together by thousands of nurses with a common thread- they all have a heart for nursing. Our new series explores and celebrates the characteristics and traits of Gamecock nurses and their hearts. 

Brandi Hair is a BSN and MSN alumna of the College of Nursing. She is a nurse at Lexington Medical Center in Labor and Delivery. Throughout her career she has displayed leadership and passion for nursing. Brandi's heart is made of resilience, patience, positivity, and empathy. 


As a charge nurse, I became very resilient during many situations. There was a time when there wasn’t enough staff, and the team on the floor had very challenging assignments. As the charge nurse, I wanted everyone on the unit to remain calm, I assisted with patient care to avoid adding stress to the unit.


In labor and delivery, we practice patience ALL day with laborers. Many times family members and even physicians become very impatient when it comes to deliveries. As the nurse, I have to remind families....labor is a patient process and we have to practice patience constantly in order to have a safe delivery.


As nurses, we always strive to be positive, especially when patients are down. Patients can feel and feed off your energy. I try and exude a positive and happy environment every time I take care of a patient. My goal as their nurse is always to try and make them laugh or smile.


I had a patient who suffered a loss. I empathized with her and prayed with her. She greatly appreciated me for taking the time to show her kindness. At that very moment, I knew I was doing my calling. I will never forget that moment and how I made her feel as a person and as a patient.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
