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My Honors College

Course Description

HNRS: Coffee, Tea, and Crafts

Fall 2020 Courses

SCHC 483 H02 26170

Legacy Course Attributes:

Current Course Attributes:

Richard Harrill

HONORS B110 on MW @ 05:30 pm - 06:45 pm


Seat Capacity:


**Students must be 21 to enroll in this class before or on August 20, 2020.**This course explores the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of beverage consumption, specifically coffee, tea, craft beers, and distilled spirits. This hospitality topic has become important in a technological age as public spaces become increasingly fragmented, leaving coffee shops and similar venues as the few remaining public “3rd spaces,” ranking behind home and work. In addition, coffee, tea, and craft beverages have become important to the experience economy, where sharing, luxury, and connoisseurship are considered tangible benefits of consumption. Conversely, consumption of certain beverages is sometimes associated with elitism and corporatism, with roots in the global economics of cultivation and distribution. In South Carolina, the emergence of coffee, tea, and craft beverages have been closely aligned with downtown development/redevelopment, thus also playing a significant role in local economic development. This class will be taught twice a week, with approximately one class session devoted to lecture and discussion and the other session devoted to site visits. The class will be divided roughly into 3 sections: (1) coffee, (2) teas and soft drinks, (3) craft beers and distilled spirits. **Please note: This course may have a few extended evening hours for field trips that will be listed in the syllabus. Students enrolled are required to attend these outside of the classroom trips.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
