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My Honors College

Course Description

HNRS: Topic: Experiencing Theatre in D.C.

Fall 2020 Courses

SCHC 458 H01 15246

Legacy Course Attributes:
Humanities, BeyondClRoom

Current Course Attributes:

Korey Rothman


Seat Capacity:


Washington, D.C. has a thriving theatre and community. During the semester, students will attend four to five plays of various genres at different theatre locations. Through this course, students will gain knowledge and understanding about the fundamentals of the theatre experience, the jobs of theatre professionals, how to critically analyze theatre, and the role of theatre in contemporary culture. Students will be expected to participate in discussions during class time and theatre visits. Grades will be determined through this participation, as well as readings, quizzes, play reviews, and a final project. The final project is comprised of both a written and an oral component, and may be completed individually or in a group. The final project will portray factual and applicable knowledge gained through readings and experiences over the course of the class.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
