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My Arts and Sciences

Faculty Research and Creative Scholarship Grants

About the program

This initiative is intended to assist full-time (FTE), professional, tenure-track or tenured faculty members, and Research Grant Personnel (RGP) faculty in the College of Arts & Sciences at the Columbia campus in either developing a new research project or completing an on-going project, with priority given to research in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.  Faculty are eligible to receive one grant every two years.

This grant funds research conducted between January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025. Extensions may be granted on a case-by-case basis.  

Application Information

All files should use 12-point font size and 1-inch margins and be submitted in
8.5" x 11" PDF format unless otherwise noted in the instructions.

  • Each applicant must submit a current vita (4-page maximum) along with a brief proposal (2-page maximum) outlining the research to be conducted during some portion of the 2024 calendar year.
  • Faculty members who received research initiative funding must include a summary (1-page maximum) of how the current proposal differs from previous awards, as well as the outcomes of the previous award.
  • Applicants must disclose current startup, research commitments, and retention funds.
  • The applicant must also include an itemized budget, including fringe when personnel are involved, with justification detailing how the funds will be spent. Funds may be used to pay graduate and undergraduate students, but not faculty. Approved technology purchases and other supplies are the property of the College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Applications must also identify all current and pending support (including startup and retention funds), along with an explanation of how requested funds are needed/different from current and pending funding. Potential overlapping funding will be taken into consideration when reviewing applications.
  • Applicants are strongly encouraged to identify potential future extramural support opportunities arising from this award’s support.

The primary unit Chair or Director must also submit a brief statement of support (1-page maximum) for each applicant.

  • The unit head will be notified of the faculty member's application submission and sent a unique link to use to respond to the application.

The statement can be entered in the online form or uploaded as an attachment.

Each award recipient must submit a one-page summary of accomplishments or achievements to the dean’s office within 30 days of completion of research or the expiration of the award. The summary must be submitted online using “summary_ [name of initiative]_[last name of faculty member]” as the filename.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
