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Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Borders and Borderlands in the Age of Globalization

The 21st annual Comparative Literature Conference, USC

Co-hosted by University of South Carolina, Ewha Womans University, and National Taiwan University

March 29-30, 2019

University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina

Poster now available!
Download the Program [pdf]

How are borders formed, consolidated, dissolved, and re-formed? How are they negotiated, patrolled, breached, and crossed? In an age of accelerating exchange and contact, how do forces of globalization and anti-globalization impact our relations to borders “real” and “imaginary”? How do these processes transform borderlands and their inhabitants, both human and non-human? How do these forces affect our perception of ourselves in relation to each other and to the world? How do literature, film, theater, and other art forms capture these processes? Conversely, how may literary, visual, and other types of representations re-shape borders and borderlands?

Keynote Speakers:

Bennett Yu-Hsiang Fu, National Taiwan University

  • Entre les Frontières: Imbricating Friction/Fracture/French in Michel Tremblay’s Montreal Plays”

Paul Allen Miller, University of South Carolina

  • “On Borders, Race Wars, and Infinite Hospitality”

Chankil Park, Ewha Womans University

  • “Cosmopolitan Patriotism in Wordsworth’s The Convention of Cintra

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