1st Annual Comparative Literature Conference
Constructions of the Self:
The Poetics of Subjectivity
April 9-10, 1999
Joan Copjec (SUNY Buffalo)
Wayne A. Rebhorn (UT Austin)
Featured Speakers to include:
Joel Black (Georgia); George Elliot Clarke (Duke); Suzanne Guerlac (Emory); Micaela Janan (Duke); Sharon Nell (Texas Tech); Chuck Platter (Georgia); Sally Spence (Georgia)
This conference seeks to offer the broadest possible forum for discussing the problem of the discursive construction of the self as it has been examined in the fields of literature, philosophy, history, semiotics, and psychoanalysis.
Selected papers will be published in Intertexts. One page abstracts and all inquiries
should be sent to
Dr. Paul Allen Miller
Director, Program in Comparative Literature,
University of South Carolina,
Columbia, SC 29208
or via
by March 1, 1999.