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Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures

  • image of a medieval building in Bamberg, Germany

Study Abroad in Bamberg, Germany

The City | The Uni | The Program

UofSC - University of Bamberg Exchange Program

1978 - 2018


The Exchange Program is open to both undergraduate and graduate students at the University of South Carolina. Since the University of Bamberg is a humanities and social science (including business), most participants have majors like German, Business, Political Science, History, Psychology, English, Philosophy, etc. Students will normally have completed three years of college-level German courses or their equivalent.

Credit Transfer
For any course successfully completed at the University of Bamberg, an undergraduate student may transfer three credits. Credit transfers are approved by the Exchange Program Director, the student’s major department, and the student’s college. For each semester, students typically transfer fifteen credit hours. Graduate students generally do not transfer credits from study abroad but take supplemental course work and conduct research for their MA thesis or PhD dissertation.

Dates of the Program
Students may study either one semester or one academic year in Bamberg. In Germany, the Winter semester runs from approximately 15 October to 15 February, while the Summer semester runs from approximately 15 April to the 15 July. For this reason, the semester option is currently only available during the spring semester. With the planned changes in the academic calendar in Germany, it is anticipated that in the near future the semester option will also be available in the fall semester.

Studying at the University of Bamberg is typically somewhat less expensive than studying at UofSC. Undergraduate participants pay UofSC tuition. Room and board is generally less expensive than at UofSC, depending on the current exchange rate. Graduate students do not pay UofSC tuition, although they must maintain student status at UofSC. All students must make their own travel arrangements both to and from Bamberg.

Financial Support
Undergraduate students are eligible for a one-time travel grant from the Klaus Ernst Fund to cover (part of) the cost of one round-trip plane ticket to Germany. Graduate students are eligible for a graduate assistantship at the University of Bamberg. Responsibilities vary depending on the assignment. The most common assignment is teaching English conversation.

Housing is available in University dormitories in Bamberg. Every exchange student accepted to the program is guaranteed a room in one of the dormitories. Students may also make their own arrangements to rent an apartment. Apartment finding services are available in Bamberg.

Prof. Kurt Goblirsch, Director
UofSC-Bamberg Exchange
Department of Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
Tel: 777-9250
Office: HU Office Bldg. 905 

Visit the University of Bamberg's website.

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