Thursday February 14
1:30 Dean Joan Hinde Stewart’s Welcome Russell House Room 302
The Politics of Global Conflict Russell House Room 302
Donald Puchala, University of South Carolina, “International Relations as Tragedy”
Speaker to be announced
Surain Subramanian, University of North Carolina, “Revisiting the Asian Values Position: Alternative Modernity or Fading Ideology”
American Memories Russell House 303
Chair: Pamela Barnett, University of South Carolina
Eileen Roraback, University of Toledo, “Resisting Erasure from History: The Autobiographies of Paul Robeson and W.E.B. Du Bois”
Julia Stern, Northwestern University, “Writing the House Divided: Epic, Miniature, Autobiography, and Mary Chestnutt’s Civil War”
Richard Williams, Benedict College, “Cultural Memory and Possibility in a New World”
Nationalism in Ireland and Scotland Russell House 304
Chair, Ed Madden, University of South Carolina
Ed Madden, University of South Carolina, “Ireland, Empire, Inversion: The Homoerotic Historical Fantasies of David Rees”
Ray McManus, University of South Carolina, “Politics, History, and Memory in Seamus Heaney’s North”
Christel Brown and Margee Husemann, University of South Carolina, “’What Was Really Going On’: Collective Memories of Highland Exploitation”
4:00 Plenary Talk Russell House Auditorium
Naeem Innyatullah, Ithaca College, “Love, War, and Basketball: Recovering a Need for Afghanistan”
Friday February 15
Colonial Memories Russell House 302
Chair, Jeanne Garane, Univ. of South Carolina
Linda Clemente, Ripon College,“Cultural Chiaroscuro: Evil in Michèle Maillet’s L’Etoile Noire”
Heather Brady, Univ of Texas-Arlington, “Memory and Marseilles: Mourning the Colonial Past in Didier Van Cauwelaert’s Un Allersimple and Claire Denis’ Nenette et Boni”
Romita Choudhury, University of Guelph, “Abjection and Memory in Representations of Subalternity”
Mourning and the Future Russell House 303
Chair, Greg Forter, University of South Carolina
Kate Brown, Emory University, “Mourning, Trauma, and Futurity”
Lessie Jo Frasier, Univ. of South Carolina, ”Counter-Genealogies of Chilean Political History: Women, Ex-Political Prisoners, and Mothers of the Disappeared”
Andrew Valls, Morehouse College, “On Racial Reconciliation and the United States”
The Thought of Stanley Cavell Russell House 304
Chair, Martin Donougho, Univ of South Carolina
Ronald Hall, Stetson University, “I Think,, Therefore I May Not Exist: Cavell on Skepticism and the Melodrama of the Unknown Woman”
John McMichaels, University of South Carolina, “Grounds More Relative”
Lawrence Rhu, University of South Carolina, “Stanley Cavell’s American Dream”
11:00-12:00 Plenary Russell House Auditorium
Patrick Brantlinger, Indiana University, “Science, Memory, and Genocide in Tasmania”
2:00-3:30 Sessions
Philosophical Approaches to History and Memory Russell House 302
Chair: Ed Munn, University of South Carolina
Martin Donougho, University of South Carolina, “On the Advantages and Disadvantages of Cultural Memory—Pierre Nora and The ‘Lieu de mémoire’”
Max Pensky, “Memory, Morality, Solidarity: Discourse Ethics and the Limits of Solidarity with the Past”
Nikolas Komprides, University of Toronto, “Anamnestic Critique and the Critique of Genealogy”
Psychoanalytic and Political Dynamics of Memory Russell House 303
Chair: Freeman Henry, University of South Carolina
Shannon Bell, York University, “The New Barbarians and the Conquest of the Narcissistic Barrier”
Susan Courtney, University of South Carolina, “How We Remember and What We Forget: Popular Memories of Miscegenation from 1967/68”
Susan Varney, SUNY-Buffalo, “The Drive as Cultural Memory: Rethinking the Freudian Unconscious”
4:00 Plenary Russell House Auditorium
Linda Alcoff, Syracuse University, “Social Identity as Historical Memory”
7:00 Banquet
Saturday February 16
Questions of Scale: The Human Measure of Memory and Agency Gambrell 153
Terry Smith, University of South Carolina, Chair
Alfred Nordmann, University of South Carolina, “The Dilated Pupil: Andreas Gursky’s Perspective on Globalization”
Mindy Fenske, University of South Carolina, “Representing the Modern Primitive: The Tattooed Body and Cultural Memory”
Stephanie Koerner, University of Manchester, “Past and Future Conditions of Possibility: Ecological Knowledge, Agency, and the Historicity of Material Culture”
Memories of Colonization across the Globe Gambrell 429
Chair, Allen Miller, University of South Carolina
Jocelyn Sharlet, Brown University, “Classics and Cultural Memory in the Arab Tradition: Rejection, Reaction, and Reinterpretation”
Jerise Fogel, Columbia University, “Cosmopolitanism and the Colonizing Imagination in Ancient Rome”
Su-kyoung Hwang, University of Chicago, “Politics of History and Counter-Memory in Comfort Woman”
Globalization and Memory Gambrell 402
Chair, Kim Robertson, Culver College
Bill Martin, Depaul University, “Cultural Memory and September 11”
Mitch Jones, Catholic University, “Globalization and the Fallacy of Misplaced Agency”
Michael Schiff, York University, “A Semiotics of Identification: Nationalism and the
Memory of Forgetting”
11:00-12:00 Plenary Gambrell 429
Pascal Michon , Collège International de Philosophie, “The Contemporary Disintegration of Memory: Outline of a Critique”
Gender, Power, and Agency: Writing as a Remapping of Cultural Memory Gambrell 431
Chair: Lori Amy, Georgia Southern University
Phyllis Dallas, Georgia Southern University, “Gendered Prescriptions for Writing
Mary Marwitz, Georgia Southern University, “Sex and War: Taboos and Tales”
Laura Milner, Georgia Southern University, “Writing as Healing: Loosening the Stories ‘Caught in Our Throats”
Lori Amy, Georgia Southern University, “Digital Disseminations: Changing Cultural Narratives of Memory and Identity”
Europe and The Politics of Memory Gambrell 402
Chair: Nicholas Vazsonyi, University of South Carolina
John Pizer, Louisiana State University, “Chronotope and Weltliteratur: Goethe’s Enactment of Cultural Memory at the Subnational Level”
Atussa Hatami, University of South Carolina, “Global Postmodernism in Andreas Gursky’s Photography: Transcending Local Politics of History and Memory”
Sara The-yi Sun, National Hsin-chu Teacher’s College, “Literary Theory and the Performing Arts: Gender and Culture in Yo-yo Ma: Inspired by Bach”
Plenary 4:00-5:00 Gambrell 429
John McGowan, University of North Carolina, “What Do the Living Owe the Dead, What
Can the Dead Give to the Living?”
Reception 5:00 Gambrell 428