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Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Worlding the Disciplines: An Interdisciplinary Conference

18th Annual Comparative Literature Conference at UofSC

25 - 28 February, 2016

Go here to register

Over the past two or three decades, as global economic and cultural integration has accelerated, academic disciplines in the humanities and social sciences have begun to re-think what it means to practice an academic discipline in a global context. This shift has had different impacts in different disciplines. This has sometimes meant (re)discovering or inventing new objects of study, acquiring new skills, or even developing new theories and methods. Whatever the case, most disciplines continue to be challenged by the task of making their project a genuinely global one.

 The goal of this conference will be to think comparatively across disciplines about this project of “worlding the disciplines.” Can we learn from each other? Can world historians teach scholars of world literature to ask new questions? Can disciplines that have always been transcultural offer lessons to newly-worlding disciplines, and vice versa? What role do culture-specific skills, such as language learning, have to play in global studies? This conference will welcome both paper and panel proposals on these and related questions.


University of South Carolina 18th Annual Comparative Literature Conference

“Worlding the Disciplines”

26-27 February, 2016


Friday, 26 February

Sessions at the Inn at UofSC


10:30-12:30         Session One: Imagined Worlds


Don Wehrs, Auburn University:

Cognitive Constants, Phenomenological Worlds, and Re-Imagining Literary History


Seydina Diouf, University of South Carolina

                World literature: listening to the periphery.


Bruce Clarke, Texas Tech:

                Continental Gaia


Lunch Break


1:30-3:30 Session Two: Places in the World


Nirvana Tanoukhi, University of Wisconsin-Madison

                Finding the Drive To Read (Or Do) World Literature


David Beek, University of South Carolina

                The Deathbed Novels of William Faulkner and Carlos Fuentes: Regionalism in World Literature


Zhang Jingsheng, University of South Carolina

The Circulation of the Avant-Garde and Its Practices in China in the 1980s


Nicole Simek, Whitman College

                Ironic Locations: Bourdieu, Postcolonial Literature, and Anamnesis


4:00-5:30 Plenary Address: Vilashini Cooppan, University of California, Santa Cruz

World Scale, World Literature

Saturday 28 February

All Sessions in the Humanities Classroom Building on the UofSC Campus


9:30-11:30 Session Three: Networked Worlds


Anne-Marie McManus, Washington University St. Louis

Falling Short of the World: Networks, Archives, and Oral Histories


Jin Xiang, University of South Carolina

                Networking Global Korean Literature in China and America


Bernard Oniwe, University of South Carolina

                African Woman, Global Sex:  Globalization and Subjectivation in Chika Unigwe’sOn Black Sisters Street


James Mulholland, North Carolina State University

                Translocalism, Poetry, and the Problem of Circulation in Eighteenth-Century Colonial Madras

Lunch Break 

12:30-2:00 Plenary Address: Jocelyne Guilbault, University of California, Berkeley

The Politics of Musical Bonding: New Prospects for the Study of Worlding Creative Practices


2:15-4:15 Session Four: World Enough in Time?


Zahi Zalloua, Whitman College

                The Exilic Palestinian: Difference Otherwise than Being


Luo Dan, University of South Carolina

The Chinese Figure as Political Other in the American Imagination


Jeffrey DiLeo, University of Houston-Victoria

                On American World Literature 

4:30-6:00 Plenary Address: David Summers, University of Virginia

Art History Worlded?

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
