Following is the application for advanced standing/back credit. Please read eligibility requirements carefully before applying.
In order to be eligible for back credit:
- The course MUST be your first college level foreign language course.
- You placed into 122 with the placement exam and earned a grade of A or B in the 122 course. (You may be eligible for an additional three or four advanced standing credit hours for 121.)
- You placed into a 200-level course or above and earned a grade of A or B in that course. (You may be eligible for between six and eight advanced standing credit hours for 121/122.)
Not eligible for back credit:
• Students that did not take the placement exam in the language or those who took a different course than that in which they were placed
• Native speakers of the language
• Students who have received foreign language transfer credit from another institution (This includes AP and IB credit for the foreign language.)
Courses Not offered for advanced standing: 315, 398, and 399.