students look at typography exhibit

Type Hike exhibition

Type Hike exhibition makes UofSC debut at Thomas Cooper Library

Jane Armstrong’s experience in creating art pieces for the Type Hike exhibition at Thomas Cooper Library fuels her passion for graphic design and illustration.

“Being a first-semester transfer student, this is the project that has truly introduced me to my major," the studio art major says. “It got me excited about applying to the graphic design program here at the university.” 

For the first time at the University of South Carolina, the Type Hike exhibition will be showcased in the Thomas Cooper Library beginning April 20.

The exhibit is part of the international nonprofit design project Type Hike, which celebrates and supports the outdoors through typography. The project was born from the belief that all designers are obligated to use their talent and ability to make the world a more beautiful place.

“I’m someone who struggles with narrowing down all my ideas to one," Armstrong says. "Designing for posters and this series really brought that part of the design process to light and challenged me to refine several ideas I had into one cohesive design.

“My favorite and the most satisfying aspect of working on this project was finally seeing my piece come together after weeks of labor.” 

Being a first-semester transfer student, this is the project that has truly introduced me to my major.

Jane Armstrong, studio art major

The exhibit came from discussions between design professor Meena Khalili and Michael Weisenburg, the reference and instruction librarian at Irvin Department of Rare Books and Special Collections.  

“Type Hike is celebratory project for America’s National Parks Centennial conceived in 2017, but our course reimagined this internationally renowned project by introducing technology available in 2022,” Khalili says. “By designing with augmented reality, students build bridges between physical and digital space, literally extending their works, which empowers student designers with agency to develop unique future solutions for their users.”

Armstrong says working with her professor and classmates improved her design.

“This process has been so rewarding through the help of my professor and peers," she says. "I feel lucky that my work has been selected to be highlighted alongside other incredible artworks in this upcoming exhibition.” 

Student Type Hike posters with augmented reality will be displayed in the Scholar’s Corner, and all 60 original Type Hike posters will hang in the large study area outside of the Center for Teaching Excellence (Level 5).

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