Campus Conversations: Kailey Houck

"The Lettuce Club is a quirky, low-commitment club at UofSC. The premise is that we meet once a year and everyone attempts to eat an entire head of lettuce. Whoever finishes their head of lettuce the fastest is the new president and decides when the next meeting will be. It started out as a hypothetical joke, but as I researched what the process of making a Student Organization was at UofSC, I figured this may not be too difficult to pull off. 

There was some hefty administrative work to be done to become officially registered as a student org, but once that was finished everyone around me was so excited and supportive that preparing for our first meeting—despite the changes we had to make due to Corona—was awesome. I'm excited to see where The Lettuce Club goes next year and the years after I graduate!"

-Kailey Houck, junior philosophy major

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