Campus Conversation: Antonia Adams

“This year is an election year, and I'm a member of CLEAT, the Civic Leadership Education and Action Team, under the umbrella of the Leadership and Service Center. I'm very passionate about encouraging civic advocacy, and I believe this is a vital time for students to get involved. We are watching social justice occur across the nation. Protests and riots have broken out in many pockets, there is a global pandemic occurring and people are frustrated and disillusioned. Now is not the time to be passive, but to engage, speak, vote and act. I've already covered National Voter Registration Day and I look forward to encouraging students to share their voices on campus.

As a Gamecock Guide I'm most excited about giving people a look at my life as a student. Research has shown that prospective students trust the experience of other students. Therefore, it's vitally important that high school, nontraditional and transfer students get a glimpse of authentic living at UofSC before they call this beautiful campus home. I think this is a brilliant initiative that will yield high results on and off campus.”

Antonia Adams, transfer junior business economics major, political science minor

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